General | | | | |
Atari BNL established EN | Atari moves to Utrecht NL | Reorganization Atari NL | Stumpf leaves Atari NL | Days off non-smokers NL |
No Atari billboards in stadium NL | Atari wants growth to 1 billion NL | Talks between Atari & Philips NL | Small profit for Atari in 1989 NL | Warner sells loss-making Atari NL |
Atari causes loss Warner NL | Succes Atari is history NL | New owner for Atari NL | Atari makes profit again NL | Kasparov signs deal NL |
Rumours Philips & Atari NL | Atari starts over NL | | | |
Personnel ads | | | | |
Personnel ad NL | Personnel ad NL | Personnel ad NL | Personnel ad NL | |
Interviews | | | | |
Interview P. Woodward NL | Interview P. Woordward NL | Interview Richard Miller NL | Interview Jack Tramiel NL | Interview Shiraz Shivzi NL |
Interview P. Woodward NL | | | | |
VCS 2600 | | | | |
National Championships Pac Man NL | Pele introduces VCS game NL | Championship Centipede NL | Introduction of the Atari VCS NL | Lawsuit between Atari & Toy store NL |
Championship Centipede NL | Philips loses lawsuit pacman NL | Videogames conquer the land NL | Dutch champion not in top 3 NL | Philips stops selling munchkin NL |
Videogames are more popular NL | Video game market crash in the US NL | Atari conquers living room NL | Pac Man video game o/t year ’83 NL | Popular holiday gifts in the 90s NL |
Maro Bros Atari 2600 NL | | | | |
Atari 8-bit computers | | | | |
Introduction XL homecomputers NL | Big competition home computers NL | Battle Atari vs Commodore NL | Holland is ready for the computer NL | Dutch schoolradio chooses Atari NL |
Atari lowers price 800XL NL | Bookreview Ik en mijn Atari NL | High demand for new games NL | Atari 800XL review part 1 NL | Atari 800XL review part 2 NL |
Computer market is chaotic NL | Consumer org. recommends Atari NL | Local Atari Club Groningen NL | Funkausstellung show 130XE NL | Homecomputer adventure is over NL |
Healthy computer market for Atari NL | Home computer market at peace NL | Better games for Home Computer NL | Second pricedrop XL computers NL | |
Atari 16/32 bit | | | | |
Review of the Atari 520ST NL | Introduction of the Mega ST NL | Multitasking TOS for TT/Falcon NL | Dutch university chooses ST NL | Mega ST, PC and laserprinter NL |
Market crash there is hope NL | Tramiel declares war after take over NL | Success ST Shareholders happy NL | Atari fan creates anti virus disk NL | Computer market growing again NL |
New computers at efficiency show NL | High-schools Utrecht choose Atari NL | Accounting on the Atari ST NL | Announcement prototype STPad NL | High-School creates ST software NL |
Atari ST used to create music NL | Atari Computers no secrets for kids NL | ST conducts drums/orchestra NL | New computer models coming NL | Atari computer pirate arrested NL |
Less imports due to piracy NL | Ambassador plays chess vs ST NL | Video game market is dead NL | Fighting virusses on Atar ST NL | Jack announces price war NL |
ST best selling computer ’87 NL | Atari Digital Music Awards ’92 NL | Laserprinters less expensive NL | Atari ST creates midi music NL | Atari makes offer to highschools NL |
Atari vs Intel choice government NL | Atari ST finally available in NL | Market crash there is hope (alt) NL | Utrecht schools get Atari ST NL | |
Atari IBM compatible | | | | |
Atari introduces PC in Netherlands NL | Atari introduces pocketcomputers NL | Announcement PC in pocketsize NL | The smallest PC on the market NL | Smallest PC in your pocket NL |
Dutch police test portfolio NL | Atari Portfolio announcement NL | Introduction Atari Portfolio NL | | |
Atari Lynx & Jaguar | | | | |
Lynx and Jaguar test NL | Introduction Atari Lynx NL | Lynx review NL | Sneak Peak Atari Jaguar NL | Review Joust Lynx NL |
Review Ninja Gaiden NL | | | | |