This site is dedicated to the employees of Atari in the Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg). Atari is present in these countries since 1980 as a subsidiary of Wea Records and since 1982 as an individual company. The history of Atari Benelux is an interesting one. It started as a small company to distribute and support the Atari 2600 console and ended as the European entity for distribution and support for all Atari products in all European countries. If you want to read more about the history of Atari Benelux, please visit this page.
■ In the Atari BeNeLux Archive you can find many unique pages filled with manuals, ads, flyers, catalogues, magazines and lots more made by or made for Atari Benelux. Don’t forget to visit the “Fun Stuff” page. Here you can find some very special personal memories of Atari Benelux employees and more. The Atari Benelux archive wishes to thank to following people for contributing to this part of the site:
Wilfred Kilwinger
Wilfried de Graaf
Ruud Wijntjes
Dennis Roos
Andre Huijts
Michael Current
Freddy Offenga
Robbert Jansen
Nir Dary
Wadi Maliangkaij
Anja Verheij-Brobbel
Anand Sewrajsing
Kris van Impe
Krzysztof A. Ziembik
Jerome Delsarte
Laurent Delsarte
Govert Zijderveld
Robert Sprokholt
■ The private collection of is the result of over 35 years of collecting Atari. also supports various Dutch and international preservation projects to preserve and digitize the collection for the Atari community all over te world. has received a lot of donations from these people and wishes to thank them:
Freddy Offenga (editor & publisher of Mega Magazine)
Wilfred Kilwinger (former European Support Manager of Atari Europe)
Wilfried de Graaf (former Sales and Marketing Manager of Atari Benelux)
Ruud van Nispen (former Sales and Marketing Manager of Atari Benelux)
Ruud Wijntjes (former Sales team of WEA Records/Atari Consumer Division Benelux)
John Maris (owner of ANG Software)
Jody Aben
Andy Barr
Janneke Bergmans
René de Bie
Martin Brennan
Wim Brouwer
Martijn Caris
Claudio (Advfan)
Godfried Cobben
Maarten van Dam
Nir Dary
Aat Dijk
Dave Ewens †
Steve Green
Henk Heijnen
André Huijts
Peter van Hulten
Ayo Jagt
Robbert Jansen
Ben Jones (Plaion Ltd.)
Niels Kamphuis
Serge van Keulen
Andreas Koch
Harm Koekoek
Ineke Leering
Gauthier Liberaal
Wim Lokers
Marceau Mallard
Minni McMaster
Vlad Micu
Dan Noguerol
Ivo van Poorten
Tijl Prinssen
Hilko Rigterink
Dennis Roos
Adam Russel
Vaughan Schlepp
Sandra Schouten
Sijmen Schouten
Bo Schreurs
Ernest Schreurs
Anand Sewrajsing
Robert Sprokholt
Cynthia Tempelmans Plat
Boy Teulings
Raoul Teulings †
Dominic Trill
Dirk Tröger
Frans Tromp
Anja Verheij-Brobbel
Dusty Vesters
Anthony Williams
Govert Zijderveld
A big thank you to you!