Because of graphics superior to that of the Apple II and Atari’s home-oriented marketing, the computers gained a good reputation for games. Jerry Pournelle wrote in 1982, when trying to decide what computer to buy his sons, that”if you’re only interested in games, that’s the machine to get. It’s not all that expensive, either”. Games dominated its software library and there were fewer business applications than for the Apple II. A 1984 compendium of reviews used 198 pages for games compared to 167 for all others. It noted the existence of a distinct “graphics look” to native Atari software: “Multiple graphics modes, four directional fine scrolling, colorful modified character-set backgrounds, and, of course, player missile graphics.”
Star Raiders was Atari’s killer app, akin to VisiCalc for the Apple II in its ability to persuade customers to buy the computer. Antic in 1986 stated that “it was the first program that showed all of the Atari computer’s audio and visual capabilities. It was just a game, yes, but it revolutionized the idea of what a personal computer could be made to do.
This is the collection of original software, no copies! The Public Domain collection is at the bottom of the page. None of this collection is for sale. If you have an item which is not on the list, please contact me and maybe we can trade. Donations are welcome too 🙂
Title | Media | Publisher | Box size | loose/boxed |
101 Programming tips | t | Atari | loose | |
180! | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
180! (different tape label) | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
1k Atascii Blaster | t | Phobotron | small | boxed |
3d Tic tac toe (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
5×5 | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
5×5 editor | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Aackoboek | t | Aackosoft | loose | |
Aackotax | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
ABC | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Accounting | t | Atari | loose | |
Ace of aces | t | Us gold | large | boxed |
Ace of aces | d | Us gold | large | boxed |
Ace of aces | t | Kixx | small | boxed |
Ace of aces (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Acrobata | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Action biker | d | Mastertronic US | large | boxed |
Action biker | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
AD 2044 | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
AD 2044 | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Adax | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Adax | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
A day at the Races | t | Red Rat | small | boxed |
Advanced pinball simulator | t | Codemasters | small | boxed |
Adventure Creator | r | Spinnaker | large | boxed |
Agent 0815 / Nasenjack | t | Tronic Verlag | loose | |
A Hacker’s Night | d | AMC Verlag | large | boxed |
Air Rescue | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Airball (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Airline | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Airline | t | Ariolasoft GER | loose | |
Airstrike | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Airstrike 2 | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Airwolf | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Airwolf | t | Elite | small | boxed |
Airwolf | t | Encore | small | boxed |
Alchemia | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Alien Blast | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Aliencounter /Face Flash | t | Milliken | large | boxed |
Alley cat | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Alpha Shield | r | Sirius | large | boxed |
Alphabet Factory | d | Diskovery | small | boxed |
Alphabet Zoo | r | Spinnaker | large | boxed |
Alternate reality | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Amaurote | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
AMJbase 3.0 | d | AMJ soft | large | boxed |
An invitation to programming (c)85 | t | Atarisoft UK | small | boxed |
An invitation to programming (c)87 | t | Atari | small | boxed |
An invitation to programming 1 | t | Atari | small | boxed |
An invitation to programming 2 | t | Atari | large | boxed |
An invitation to programming 3 | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Android | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Andromeda conquest | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
ANG Sample Utility Disk | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
ANG’s Greatest hits | d | Rewind Games | large | boxed |
Another Pong | d | Abbuc | small | boxed |
Ant quest | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Apple Panic | t | Broderbund | loose | |
Arcade bonanza | d | Keypunch | small | boxed |
Arcade classics | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Arcade pack 4: roadracer/bowler | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Archon | t | Ariolasoft | loose | |
Archon (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Arena | d | KE Soft | large | boxed |
Arena 3000 | t | Microdeal | small | boxed |
Arena 3000 | d | Microdeal | loose | |
Arkanoid | t | Imagine | large | boxed |
Arkanoid | d | Imagine | small | boxed |
Arkanoid | t | Hit squad | small | boxed |
Artefakt przodkow | d | ASF | large | boxed |
Artist | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Ashido | d | KE-soft | large | boxed |
Assembler editor | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Asteroids (400/800) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Astro Chase | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Astro Chase | d | First Star | disk+man | |
Astro Chase | t | First Star | large | boxed |
Astro Chase | r | Parker Brothers | large | boxed |
Astro droid | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Astro droid | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Astromeda | t | Budgie | small | boxed |
Asylum | d | US gold | large | boxed |
Atari Aces | t | US gold | large | boxed |
Atari adressenbestand | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Atari artist | r | Atari | loose | |
Atari artist / 1020 screen dump | t | Atari | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 1 | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 2 | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 2s | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 3 | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 4 | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 603 | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari cassette 604 | t | Courbois | small | boxed |
Atari Cassette Enhancer | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Atari Cassette Enhancer | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Atari compilation (TX9043) | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Atari compilation (TXP7000) | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Atari compilation (TXP7100) | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Atari compilation (TXP7101) | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Atari demodisk (DXN-411) | d | Atari BNL | loose | |
Atari disk 1 | d | Courbois | loose | |
Atari energie | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Atari grafieken | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Atari Info listings 2 | t | SAC | loose | |
Atari Kaartsysteem | d+man | Atari BNL | loose | |
Atari Lab Starter Set (French release) | r | Atari FR | large | boxed |
Atari Listingspecial A+B | d | SAC | loose | |
Atari logo (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari micro instructie snelstart cassette | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Atari Microsoft basic II (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari Pascal language system (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari Pilot cx4018 | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari Pilot cx405 Educators package | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari Planetarium | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari Proofreader | d | Atari | loose | |
Atari safari | t | Illusion | small | boxed |
Atari Schreiber | r | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Atari Schreiber | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Atari speed reading | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Atari statistieken | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Atari word processor cx404 | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Atariwriter | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Atariwriter 80 | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Atariwriter plus | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Atin telefoon modem software | d | Atin | loose | |
Atlantis | d | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
Atlantis Ultimo Uomo | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Atmas II | d | Hofacker | large | boxed |
Atomia | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Atomit II | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Attack at EP-CYG-4 | d | Bram Inc | loose | |
Attack of the mutant camels | t | LLamasoft | small | boxed |
Attack of the mutant camels (small cass.) | t | LLamasoft | small | boxed |
Attack of the mutant camels | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Audio training cassette | t | Atari BNL | small | boxed |
Aufgepasst / Streit der Käfer | t | Atari GER | loose | |
Aurum | d | LK Avalon | small | boxed |
Austro.base | d | | large | boxed |
Austro.text | d | | large | boxed |
Automat Perkusyjny | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Avalanche | t | APX | loose | |
Awardware | d | Hi Tec Expressions | large | boxed |
Axilox | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Axis Assasin | d | Electronic Arts | large | boxed |
Aztec | d | Databyte | large | boxed |
Aztec | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Aztec Challenge/Die rituale der Azteken | t & d | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
Aztec Challenge | t | Top ten | small | boxed |
Aztec Challenge | t | Cosmi | large | boxed |
Baja Buggies | d | Gamestar | loose | |
Baja Buggies | t | Gamestar | large | boxed |
Ballblazer | d | Activision UK | large | boxed |
Ballblazer | t | Activision UK | small | boxed |
Ballblazer (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Bang bank! | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Ball-Cracker | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Bang bank! | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Barahir | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Barbarian | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Barnyard blaster (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Basic (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Basicdup | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Basil the great mouse detective | d | Gremlin | small | boxed |
Basil the great mouse detective | t | Gremlin | large | boxed |
Basketball (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Battalion commander | d | SSI | large | boxed |
Battalion commander | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Battle ships | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Battle ships | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Battlecruiser | d | SSI | large | boxed |
Battlezone (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Battling Bugs / Concentration | t | Milliken | large | boxed |
Batty Builders | t | English Software | small | boxed |
BC’s quest for tires | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Beach head | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Beach head II | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Beer belly burt’s brew biz | d | Americana | large | boxed |
Beer belly burt’s brew biz | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Bertyx | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Bertyx | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Bibo dos | d | Compy shop | large | boxed |
Bibo dos version 5x/6x XF | d | Compy shop | loose | |
Big birds special delivery | r | CBS | loose | |
Bill budge pinball construction set | d | Electronic arts | large | boxed |
Bioritme | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Bismark | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Bitter Reality nr. 38 | d | Slight | loose | |
Black Jack | d | Ulf Petersen | large | boxed |
Blackjack | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Blackjack (Dutch) | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Black Lamp | t | Atari UK | large | boxed |
Black Out | t | Europa Computer Club | small | boxed |
Blade runner | t | wizardsoft | small | boxed |
Blinky’s scary school | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Blinky’s scary school | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Blinky’s scary school | d | KE soft | small | boxed |
Blockade | t | Europa Computer club | loose | |
Blue max | d | Synapse | large | boxed |
Blue max | t | Synsoft | small | boxed |
Blue max | d | Synsoft | large | boxed |
Blue max | t | Synapse | loose | |
Blue max (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Blue max 2001 | d | Synsoft | large | boxed |
Blue max 2001 | t | Synsoft | small | boxed |
Blue Ribbon Games Disk No 1 | d | Blue ribbon | large | boxed |
Blue Thunder | t | Richard Wilcox | small | boxed |
BMX simulator | t | Codemasters | small | boxed |
Boing II & Speed fox | d | Tiger developments | large | boxed |
Boing II & Speed fox (different label) | d | Tiger developments | loose | |
Bomba contra bomba | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Bombastic! | t | English software | small | boxed |
Bomber Jack | d | KE Soft | large | boxed |
Bombfusion | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Bop’n Wrestle | d | Mindscape | large | boxed |
Boulderdash | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Boulderdash | t | Mirrorsoft | small | boxed |
Boulderdash | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Boulderdash II | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Boulderdash II | d | Databyte | large | boxed |
Boulderdash II | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Boulderdash IV | t | Hi Tec Software | small | boxed |
Boulderdash Construction Kit | d | Databyte | large | boxed |
Boulderdash Construction Kit | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Boulders & bombs | r | CBS | loose | |
Bounty bob strikes back | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Bounty bob strikes back | t | Eaglesoft | large | boxed |
Bounty bob strikes back | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Braccio | t | Wizardsoft | small | boxed |
British heritage jigsaw puzzles | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
British heritage jigsaw puzzles vol 1 | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
British heritage jigsaw puzzles vol 2 | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Bruce Lee | d | Rushware | large | boxed |
Bruce Lee | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Bubble trouble | t | Players | small | boxed |
Bubble Zone | d | KE Soft | large | boxed |
Bug Attack | t | Cavalier | small | boxed |
Buddelmax | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Bug hunt | r | Atari | loose | |
Bug off! | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
California run | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
Canyon climber | t | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Captain gather | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Cardware | d | Hi Tech Expressions | large | boxed |
Cardware | d | Hi Tech Expressions | small | boxed |
Carillon Printer | d | PDI | loose | |
Carnival Massacre | r | Creative Sparks | large | boxed |
Cassette 50 | t | Cascade | small | boxed |
Castle assault | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Castle Top | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
Cave runner | t | English software | small | boxed |
Cavelord | d | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
Cavelord | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Cavernia | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Cavernia | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Caverns of eriban | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Cavern Commander | t | Scorpio Gamesworld | small | boxed |
Caverns of Khafka | d | Cosmi | large | boxed |
Caverns of Khafka | t | Cosmi | small | boxed |
Caverns of Khafka | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Caverns of mars (400/800) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Caverns of mars (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Caves of death | t | Channel 8 | small | boxed |
Centipede | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Centipede (brown label) | r | Atari | loose | |
Centurion | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Change | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Change | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Chaos music composer | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Chaos music composer | d | LK avalon | loose | |
Chaos music composer (diff. label) | d | LK avalon | loose | |
Chenault’s Flying Tigers | t | Discovery games | large | boxed |
Chess | t | Atarisoft UK | small | boxed |
Chicken | r | Synapse | large | boxed |
Chicken Chase | t | Bug Byte | small | boxed |
Chimera | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Chimera (budget rerelease) | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Chips die je niet kunt eten (audio) | t | SNS | small | loose |
Chips die je niet kunt eten: diversen | t | SNS | small | loose |
Chips die je niet kunt eten: taal-rekenprogramma’s | t | SNS | small | loose |
Choplifter | d | Broderbund | large | boxed |
Choplifter | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Chop Suey | d | English Software | loose | |
Chucky egg | t | ANF | small | boxed |
Cloak of Death | t | Bug byte | small | boxed |
Cloudburst | r | Dana | small | boxed |
Clowns and Balloons | t & d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Code-woord | t | Wolters | large | boxed |
Cohen’s towers & Cosmic tunnels | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Collapse | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Colony | t | Bulldog | small | boxed |
Colorfont editor | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Colossus chess 3 | t | English software | large | boxed |
Colossus chess 4 | t | CDS | large | boxed |
Commander | t | Top ten | small | boxed |
Compute 4 and reversi (pal) | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Compute 4 and reversi (ntsc) | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Computer Baseball Strategy | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Computer chess | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Computer chess + Eur. Countries/Capitals | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Computer-Kran | t | Europa Computer Club | small | boxed |
Computer-Orgel | t | Europa Computer Club | small | boxed |
Computer Quarterback | d | SSI | large | boxed |
Computer Stocks & Bonds | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Computer war | r | Thorn EMI | small | boxed |
Computer war | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Computer war | t | Creative Sparks | small | boxed |
Computer war | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
Conan | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Conflict in Vietnam | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
Conquest of the crown | r | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Constellation | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Conversational French | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Conversational German | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Conversational Italian | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Conversational Spanish | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Cops ‘n robbers | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Cosmic pirate | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Crack up | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Crazy Cobra | t | Illusion | small | boxed |
Cribbage and dominoes | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Crime buster (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Crossbow (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Crossfire | t | Sierravision | large | boxed |
Crossfire | r | Sierra on-line | loose | |
Crumble’s crisis | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Crusade in europe (dark blue box) | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
Crusade in europe (orange box) | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Crusade in europe | d | Microprose UK | loose | |
Crush, crumble and chomp! | t | Epyx | large | boxed |
Crystal castles (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Crystal raider (English inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Crystal raider (multi langual inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Cultivation | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Curse of crownly manor | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Cut and paste | d | Electronic arts | large | boxed |
Cuthbert goes walkabout | t | Microdeal | small | boxed |
Cuthbert goes walkabout | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Cybernome | t | LBD Software | small | boxed |
Cyborg | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Cygnus XI | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Dagobar | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Dambusters | t | Prism Leisure | large | boxed |
Dambusters | t | NDSL | small | boxed |
Dampfmaschine | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Danger ranger | t | Microdeal | small | boxed |
Danger ranger | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Dark abyss | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Dark abyss | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Dark chambers (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Darkness hour | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Darkness hour | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Darts | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Darts (diff. packaging) | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Darts | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Database 3.0 | d | AMJ soft | large | boxed |
Database 4.0 | d | AMJ soft | large | boxed |
David’s midnight magic (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Dawn raider | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Daylight robbery | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
D-bug | d | Elctronic Arts | large | boxed |
Death race | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Decathlon | t | Activision | large | boxed |
Decathlon | t | Activision | small | boxed |
Decathlon | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Decision in the Desert (dark brown box) | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Decision in the Desert (beige box) | t | Microprose UK | large | boxed |
Decision Maker (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Defender (400/800) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Defender (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Deimos | d | Sonix | small | boxed |
Delta Drawing (clamshell) | r | Spinnaker | large | boxed |
Delta Drawing (box) | r | Spinnaker | large | boxed |
Deluxe invaders | d | Roklan | large | boxed |
Demo cartridge | r | Atari | loose | |
Denk Mit! | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Der leise Tod | d | RE Software | large | boxed |
Des Chiffres et des Lettres | r | Atari FR | loose | |
Desert falcon (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Desmond’s dungeon | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Desmond’s dungeon | t | Alternative software | small | boxed |
Desmond’s dungeon | t | Creative Sparks | small | boxed |
Desmond’s dungeon | t | Sparkler’s | small | boxed |
Despatch rider | d | Entertainment USA US | small | boxed |
Despatch rider | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Diamond mine | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Diamonds | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Die Ausserirdischen | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Die English Stunde 3 | t | Europa Computer Club | small | boxed |
Dig Dug (brown cart) | r | Atari | loose | |
Dig dug (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Dig dug | d | Datasoft | small | boxed |
Digi duck | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Digidrum digisynth | d | 2 bit | large | boxed |
Digidrum II | d | 2 bit | large | boxed |
Dimension X | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Dimension X | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
Dimension X | t | Synapse | loose | |
Diskette Pack | d | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Diskkeeper 3 | d | AMJ soft | large | boxed |
Disk-keeper III | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Disk-Master | d | CDI | large | boxed |
Divex | d | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Dizzy dice | t | Players | small | boxed |
Dnieper River Line | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Dog Daze (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Domain of the undead | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Domain of the undead | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Donald | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Donkey kong (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Donkey kong (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Donkey kong junior (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Dos 2.5 | d | Atari | loose | |
Dos 2.5 (different disk-label) | d | Atari | loose | |
Double Pack 2 (Space Wars & Dreadnought) | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Dos XE | d | Atari | loose | |
Draconus | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Draconus | t | Cognito | large | boxed |
Draconus | d | Cognito | small | boxed |
Drag | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Dreadnaught | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Dredis | d | KE Soft | large | boxed |
Dreidimensionale Grafik | d | Hofacker | large | boxed |
Drelbs | t | Synsoft | small | boxed |
Drop it | d | Sonix | loose | |
Dropzone | t | US gold | small | boxed |
Dropzone | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Druid | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Druid | d | Firebird | large | boxed |
Dsembler (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Duellin’ Droid | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Dunjonquest datestones of ryn | d | Epyx | large | boxed |
Dunjonquest temple of Apshai (81) | t | Epyx | large | boxed |
Dunjonquest Upper reaches of Apshai | t | Epyx | large | boxed |
Dwie wieze | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Earthquake | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Eastern front APX | t+man | Atari | loose | |
Eastern front (XL cartridge with blue XE label) | r | Atari | small | loose |
Eastern front (XL) | r | Atari | medium | boxed |
Eastern front (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Eastern front (XL) rerelease diff. box | r | Atari | loose | |
Eastern front 1941 | t | Atarisoft UK | small | boxed |
Electric starfish | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Electric starfish (diff. packaging) | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Electric starfish | t | Prism leisure | large | boxed |
Elektra glide (brown inlay) | t | English software | small | boxed |
Elektra glide (white inlay) | t | English software | small | boxed |
Elektra glide | d | English software | large | boxed |
Elektra glide | d | English software | small | boxed |
Elektra glide | d | Mastertronic US | large | boxed |
Emerald Isle | t | Level 9 | large | boxed |
Encounter! | d | Synapse | large | boxed |
Encounter! | t | Novagen | small | boxed |
Encounter! | t | Novagen | large | boxed |
Encounter! | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Enigmatix! | d | Page 6 Software | large | boxed |
Escape from Doomworld | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Escape from Doomworld | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Eternal Dagger | d | SSI | large | boxed |
ET Phone home (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Eureka | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Eureka | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Euro demo’s | t | FM software | small | boxed |
European countries and capitals | t | Atari | large | boxed |
European countries and capitals | t | Atarisoft UK | small | boxed |
European scene jigsaw puzzles | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
European scene jigsaw puzzles vol 1 | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
European scene jigsaw puzzles vol 2 | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
European super soccer (German) | d | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
European super soccer | t | Tynesoft | large | boxed |
Europese Landen en Hoofdsteden | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Exelsor | t | Players | small | boxed |
Exploding Wall | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Extended fig-forth ev.2 (APX) | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Extra-terrestres / Matuvu | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
F15 strike eagle (disk c84) | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
F15 strike eagle (disk c86) | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
F15 strike eagle | t | Microprose UK | large | boxed |
F15 strike eagle (red/brown packaging) | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
F15 strike eagle (blue packaging) | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
F15 strike eagle (blue packaging) | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Facemaker | r | Spinnaker | large | boxed |
Family cashflow rev. 2 (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Family finances | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Fantastic games 1 | d | Usermag | large | boxed |
Fantastic soccer | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Fantastic soccer | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Fast Eddie | r | Sirius | large | boxed |
Fatum | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Feud | t | Bulldog | small | boxed |
Feud (different tape label | t | Bulldog | small | boxed |
Fidget | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Field of fire | d | SSI | large | boxed |
Fight night | d | Accolade | large | boxed |
Fight night | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Fight night (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Fighter pilot | d | Digital integration | large | boxed |
Fighter pilot | t | Digital Integration | small | boxed |
Fighter pilot | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Fighter pilot | t | Interceptor | small | boxed |
Fighter pilot (diff. Packaging) | t | Interceptor | small | boxed |
Figure fun | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Film editor | t | Domain | small | boxed |
Final legacy (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Firefleet | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Firestone | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Firestone | t | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
First steps | t | Baug | small | boxed |
First steps with the mr Men | t | Mirrorsoft | large | boxed |
Fische fischen | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Five card draw poker | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Flight simulator II | d | Sublogic | large | boxed |
Flight simulator II | r | Atari | loose | |
Flying Ace | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Food fight (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Football fortunes | t | CDS | large | boxed |
Football manager | t | Addictive | large | boxed |
Football manager | t | Addictive | small | boxed |
Football manager c87 | t | Addictive | small | boxed |
Footballer of the year | t | Kixx | small | boxed |
Footballer of the year | t | Gremlin | small | boxed |
Forbidden forrest | t | Top ten | small | boxed |
Forbidden forrest | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Forms (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Forth | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Forth turtle graphics plus (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Fort Apocalypse | d | Synsoft | large | boxed |
Fort Apocalypse | t | Synsoft | small | boxed |
Fort Apocalypse | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
Four great games 1 | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Four great games 2 | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Four great games 3 | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Four great games 3 | d | Tynesoft | loose | |
Four star compilation 1 | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Four star compilation 2 | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Four star compilation 2 (disk 1) | d | Red rat | loose | |
Freaky factory | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Fred | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Fred | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Frenesis | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Frenzy Flip Flop | t | Milliken | large | boxed |
Frogger | r | Parker brothers | small | loose |
Frogger (The official) | t | Sierravision | large | boxed |
Fruit machine (arcade) | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Fruit machine (arcade) | d | KE soft | small | boxed |
Fruit machine simulator | t | Code Masters | small | boxed |
Fun forth (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Fun in learning | d | Keypunch | small | boxed |
Fury wrath of taljun cathu | d | Aerion | loose | |
Fun with Art | r | Epyx | loose | |
Gabi & kuadryk | d | Spektra | small | boxed |
Galactic avenger | d | Cosmi | large | boxed |
Galactic chase | t | Spectrum Computers | large | boxed |
Galactic Empire | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Galactic Trader | t | Prism Leisure | small | boxed |
Galaxian | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Galaxian | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Galgje | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Gallahad | d | Domain | small | boxed |
Games 20 | t | Cymbal | large | boxed |
Gateway to Apshai | r | Epyx | large | boxed |
Gato (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Gauntlet | t | Kixx | small | boxed |
Gauntlet | t | Us gold | small | boxed |
Gauntlet Deeper Dungeons | t | Us gold | small | boxed |
Gefahrenzone | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Geografia Polski | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Ghostbusters | d | Activision | large | boxed |
Ghostbusters | t | Activision UK | large | boxed |
Ghostbusters | t | Ricochet | small | boxed |
Ghostchaser | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Ghost Encounters | t | JV Software | large | boxed |
Glaggs it! | d | Power per post | large | boxed |
Gloup / Fleches | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Gold hunter | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Gold hunter | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Goldgräber | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Golf / Barre | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Golf / Bowling (Usersoft) | t | Atari GER | small | boxed |
Golf Classic / Concentration | t | Usersoft | small | boxed |
Gomoku | t | Artsci | loose | |
Gorf | d | Roklan | large | boxed |
Grand Prix | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Graph it | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Graphic generator | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Greatest hits 1 | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Green Beret | t | Imagine | large | boxed |
Green Beret | t | Hit Squad | small | boxed |
Gridrunner | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Gridrunner (82) | t | Llamasoft | small | boxed |
Gridrunner (83) | t | Llamasoft | small | boxed |
Guard | d | Sonix | loose | |
Guerriero Laser | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Gulf Strike | d | Avalon Hill | loose | |
Gulp !! / Arrow Graphics | t | Milliken | large | boxed |
Gun Fight / Seawolf | d | Epyx | loose | |
Gun law | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Gunfighter | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Guns of fort defiance | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Hack picture 2 | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Hacker | t | Activision UK | small | boxed |
Hacker | d | Activision UK | large | boxed |
Halftime Battlin’ Bands | r | CBS Software | large | boxed |
Hangman | t | Atari | small | boxed |
Hans Kloss | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Hans Kloss (different disk-label) | d | LK avalon | loose | |
Hans Kloss | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Happy set 4 | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Happy set 5 | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Hard Hat Mack | t | Ariola Soft | small | boxed |
Hardball | t | Kixx | small | boxed |
Hardball | d | US gold | large | boxed |
Hardball | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Hardball | d missing | Accolade | large | boxed |
Hardball (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Hawkquest | d | MD software | large | boxed |
Head over heels | t | Hit Squad | small | boxed |
Heartache | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Helicopter! | t | WizardSoft | small | boxed |
Helix | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Henri | t | Visions | small | boxed |
Henry’s house | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Herbert | d | AMC verlag | large | boxed |
Herbert (budget rerelease) | d | AMC verlag | large | boxed |
Herbert II | d | AMC verlag | large | boxed |
Hickory dickory dock & baa,baa black sheep (pal) | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Hickory dickory dock & baa,baa black sheep (ntsc) | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Hijack | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Home financial management NTSC | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Homepak | d | Ariola soft | large | boxed |
Home studio | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Homeword | d | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Horoscoop | d | AMJ Soft | loose | |
Hotel | d | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
Hotel | t | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
House of Usher | t | Midas | large | boxed |
House of Usher | t | Anirog | small | boxed |
House of Usher | t | Kingsoft | loose | |
Hover bovver | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Hover bovver | t | Llamasoft | small | boxed |
Hover bovver | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Huishoudboek | d | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Humanoid | d | Sonix | small | boxed |
Humanoid (diff. packaging) | d | Sonix | small | boxed |
Humanoid | t | Sonix | small | boxed |
Humpty Dumpty / Jack & Jill | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Hydraulik | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Hydraulik & snowball | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Hydraulik & snowball | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Hyperblast | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Hypnotic land | r | Lindasoft | loose | |
Il papiro della pace | d | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Imagic 1-2-3 | d | Imagic | loose | |
Imagine | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Incydent | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Infiltrator | d | Mindscape | large | boxed |
Infodiskette | d | Powersoft | loose | |
Initation a la programmation en basic no 1 | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Initation a la programmation en basic no 2 | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Initation a la programmation en basic no 3 | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Insectivores / Concentration | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Inside (ENG) | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Inside (POL) | d | Spektra | small | boxed |
Insomnia Rev. 1.1 APX | d+man | Atari | loose | |
Insta-ledger | d | Cimarron | large | boxed |
In-Store Demonstration Program | r | Atari | loose | |
Intel Outside demo number XIII | d | Our 5oft | loose | |
International karate | d | System 3 | large | boxed |
International karate | t | System 3 | small | boxed |
Into the eagles nest (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Invasion | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Invasion | t | Bulldog | small | boxed |
I.P.E.S. | d | Aegaeïs | small | boxed |
IQ | t | CRL | large | boxed |
IQ master | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Jaffar | d | Mirage | loose | |
James Bond 007 | r | Parker Brothers | loose | |
Java Jim | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
Java Jim | t | Creative Sparks | small | boxed |
Jawbreaker | d | Online systems | large | boxed |
Jawbreaker II | t | Sierravision | large | boxed |
Jawbreaker/Mousekattack | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Jet boot jack | t | English software | small | boxed |
Jet boot jack | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Jewels of darkness | t | Rainbird | large | boxed |
Jinks | d | AMC Verlag | large | boxed |
Jinxter | d | Rainbird | large | boxed |
Jocky Wilson darts challenge | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Jocky Wilson darts compendium | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Jocky Wilson darts compendium | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Joe and the nuclear caverns | t | STV Software | small | boxed |
Joe Blade | t | Players | small | boxed |
Joe blade II | t | Players | small | boxed |
Johnny the ghost | d | Powersoft | large | boxed |
Johnny the ghost | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Journey to the planets | t | JV Software | large | boxed |
Joust (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Joust (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Joystick sketchpad | t | Atari | loose | |
Juice! | d | Tronix | large | boxed |
Juggles’ House | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Juggles’ House | d | Atari | loose | |
Juggles’ Rainbow | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Jumbo jet pilot | r | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Jump jet | t | Anirog | small | boxed |
Jump jet (German packaging) | t | Anirog | large | boxed |
Jump jet (German packaging) | d | Anirog | large | boxed |
Jumping Jack | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Jumper | t | Europa computer club | loose | |
Jumpman | t | Epyx | large | boxed |
Jumpman Junior | r | Epyx | loose | |
Jungle hunt (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Jungle hunt (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Juno first | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Jurassic park II | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
K-star patrol | r | CBS Software | large | boxed |
Kaboom! | r | Activision | small | boxed |
Kampania Wrezesniowa | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Kampf dem Ungeziefer | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Karateka | d | Broderbund | large | boxed |
Karriere | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Kartei-Karten | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
KE base | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
KE commander | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
KE soft demodisks 1,2,3 | d | KE soft | loose | |
KE soft leveldisk | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Kennedy Approach | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Kennedy Approach | d missing | Microprose | large | boxed |
Kennedy Approach | t | Microprose | large | boxed |
Kennedy Approach | t | Microprose UK | large | boxed |
Kenny Dalglish soccer | t | Cognito | large | boxed |
Kenny Dalglish soccer | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Kenny Dalglish soccer | d | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Kernaw | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Ketchup | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Keyaccount | d | Amazon Systems | large | boxed |
Kick off | t | Anco | large | boxed |
Kick off | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Kickback | r | Thorn EMI | small | boxed |
Kikstart (English inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Kikstart (multi langual inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Kikstart (multi inlay/diff. label) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
King of the ring | t | Gremlin | small | boxed |
Kingdom | t | Atari | small | boxed |
Kingsize 50 | t | Robtek | large | boxed |
Kingsize 50 (jewelcase rerelease) | t | Robtek | small | boxed |
Kissin’Kousins | t | English software | small | boxed |
Klatwa | d | LK Avalon | small | boxed |
Klatwa | t | LK Avalon | small | boxed |
Kleks Trzmiel | d | Mirage | large | boxed |
Knight orc | d | Rainbird | large | boxed |
Knight orc | t | Rainbird | large | boxed |
Knock | d | Domain | small | boxed |
Knockout | t | Anco | large | boxed |
Knockout | t | Kingsoft | large | boxed |
Knockout boxing | t | Midas | large | boxed |
Knockout boxing | t | Midas | small | boxed |
Kolony | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Kolony | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Koninkrijk | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Koronis Rift | d | Activision UK | loose | |
K-razy Shoot-out | r | CBS Software | loose | |
Krazy Kopter | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Krucjata | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Kuenstler | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Kult | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Kult | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Kurs Fizyki | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Kurs Fizyki | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Labeldesigner II | d | AMJ soft | large | boxed |
Labirinto | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Lancelot | d | Mandarin | large | boxed |
Lancelot | t | Mandarin | large | boxed |
Las Vegas casino | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Las Vegas casino | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Laser hawk | d | Red rat | large | boxed |
Laser hawk | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Laser hawk | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Laser maze | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Lasermania & Robbo constructor | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Lasermania & Robbo constructor (diff. packaging) | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Lasermania & Robbo constructor | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Laura | t | Arsoft/Retronics | small | boxed |
La quête du graal | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
LDS C emulator | d | Ulf Petersen | large | boxed |
Leader board | d | US gold | large | boxed |
Leaderboard | t | Us gold | small | boxed |
Leaderboard tournament | t | Us gold | small | boxed |
League Challenge | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Leaper | t | Bug Byte | small | boxed |
Leapster | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
Leer in basic programmeren | t | Wolters | large | boxed |
Leggit | t | Imagine | small | boxed |
Les bonbons / Chaos | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Lethal weapon | d | Secret games | small | boxed |
Liga polska | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Linking logic | r | Fisher-price | loose | |
Little devil | d | Red rat | large | boxed |
Little devil | t | Red rat | large | boxed |
Little devil | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Lizard | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Lizard | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Lizard | d | Tiger developments | disk+man | |
Loco | t | Alligata | small | boxed |
Lode Runner | d | Broderbund | large | boxed |
Lode Runner (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Logic levels | r | Fisher-price | large | boxed |
Lords of Karma | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Lords of Karma | d | Avalon Hill | loose | |
Lorien’s tomb | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Los Angeles swat / Panther | d | Entertainment USA US | large | boxed |
Los Angeles swat (English inlay) | t | Entertainment USA | small | boxed |
Los Angeles swat (multi langual inlay) | t | Entertainment USA | small | boxed |
Lunar Landing | t | Prism Leisure | large | boxed |
Mac/65 version 1.02 | r | OSS | loose | |
Mac/65 | r | Polish bootleg | loose | |
Mac/65 Toolkit | d | Fine Tooned Engineering | large | boxed |
Machine code tutor | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Macro assembler | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Macro assembler (German release) | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Mad Jax | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Magia | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Magia | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Magia krystalu | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Magia krystalu | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Magic Dimension | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Magic of words | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Magic Window | t | Quicksilva | small | boxed |
Mailing List | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Major Bronx | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Major Bronx | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Mantis (APX) | d+man | Atari | loose | |
Mario bros (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Masic | d | Werner Rätz | large | boxed |
Mask of the sun | d | Broderbund | large | boxed |
Master chess | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Master diskette 3 (DOS 3) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Master diskette II 810/1050 | d | Atari | loose | |
Master games platform perfection | t | US gold | large | boxed |
Master games shoot ’em ups | t | US gold | large | boxed |
Master head | d | Sonix | small | boxed |
Mastertype | r | Mindscape | large | boxed |
Math encounter | r | HSU software | large | boxed |
Mathematics ‘o’ level | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Mathematic / Tac-toe | t | Atari France | large | boxed |
Matta Blatta | t | Silverbird | small | boxed |
Max/magic world | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Maxwell’s Demons/Memory Mania | d | Gentry | large | boxed |
Maze of adgagon | d | Agda group | large | boxed |
Md8 files 1 | d | FM software | small | boxed |
Md8 files 2 | d | FM software | small | boxed |
Md8 files 3 | d | FM software | small | boxed |
Mediator | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Megafont II+ | d | XLEnt | large | boxed |
Megafont II+ (diff. Packaging) | d | XLEnt | large | boxed |
Meltdown at Megalopolis | t | Cosmi | large | boxed |
Memory manor | r | Fisher-price | loose | |
Mercenary | t | Novagen | small | boxed |
Mercenary (German version) | t | Novagen | small | boxed |
Mercenary (c)91 | t | Novagen | small | boxed |
Mercenary compendium | d | Novagen | small | boxed |
Mercenary compendium | d | Novagen | large | boxed |
Mercenary The Second City | t | Novagen | small | boxed |
Mickey in the great outdoors | d | Disney software | large | boxed |
Mickey in the great outdoors | t | Disney software | large | boxed |
Micro rythm | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Microman | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Micromod Turbobase | d | Micromiser | large | boxed |
Microsoft basic | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Microsoft basic cross reference (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Microsoft basic II | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Microsubtraction | t | Hayes | large | boxed |
Microx | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Microx | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Midnight | d | Mirage | loose | |
Midnight | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Midway Campaign | t | Avalon Hill | loose | |
Miecze valdgira | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Miecze valdgira | d | Tiger developments | loose | |
Miecze Valdgira II | d | ASF | loose | |
Miecze Valdgira II | t | ASF | large | boxed |
Mig alley ace | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
Mig alley ace | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Mike’s Slotmachine II | d | AMC Verlag | small | boxed |
Mike’s Slotmachine II | t | AMC Verlag | small | boxed |
Milk race | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Millipede (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Millipede (XL) rerelease | r | Atari | loose | |
Miner 2049 | r | Big Five | small | boxed |
Mines | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Mines (diff. Packaging) | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Mini Office II | d | Database software | large | boxed |
Mini Office II (diff. packaging) | d | Database software | large | boxed |
Mini Office II | d | Page 6 | large | boxed |
Mirax Force | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Mirax force | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Mirax force | d | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Mirax force | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Misja (Mission shark) & Fred | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Missile command (400/800) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Missing one droid | t | Bug byte | small | boxed |
Mission shark | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Mission shark | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Mission zircon | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Mission zircon | d | Tiger developments | loose | |
Mission: Asteroid | d | Online systems | large | boxed |
Molecule man | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Monkey magic | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
Monkey magic | t | Micro Design | small | boxed |
Monster Smash | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Monstrum | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Moon patrol | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Montezuma | t | Laser Load | small | boxed |
Montezuma’s Revenge | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Mordon’s quest | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Mordon’s quest | t | Melbourne House | small | boxed |
Mortgage and Loan Analysis | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Moscow 1993 | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Mountain bike racer | t | Zeppelin software | small | boxed |
Mountain bike racer | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Mountain Shoot | t | Prism Leisure | large | boxed |
Movie maker | d | Ariolasoft | small | boxed |
Movie maker | d | Electronic Arts | large | boxed |
Mozgprocesor | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Mr. Cool | r | Sierra on-line | loose | |
Mr. dig | t | Microdeal | small | boxed |
Mr. dig | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Mr. Do | t | Datasoft | small | boxed |
Mr. robot and his robot factory | d | Databyte | large | boxed |
Mr. robot and his robot factory | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
MS copy XF551 version | d | Klaus Peters | large | boxed |
MS copy 1050 version | d | Compy Shop | loose | |
Ms. Pacman (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Muff drutt | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Mule | d | Ariola soft | loose | |
Mule | t | Ariola soft | loose | |
Music composer | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Music construction set | d | Ariola soft | small | boxed |
Music construction set | d | Electronic arts | large | boxed |
Music major | t | ESI | loose | |
Music painter | d | Atari | large | boxed |
My first alphabet | d | Atari | loose | |
Mystery Fun House | t | Adventure International UK | small | boxed |
Mystery Fun House | t | Adventure International | loose | |
Najemnik | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Napoleon in Russia | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Nato commander | t | Microprose | small | boxed |
Nato commander | d | US Gold | loose | |
Nautilus | d | Synapse | loose | |
Necromancer (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Necromancer | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
Neptune’s Daughter | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Neron | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Neron | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Neuroid | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
New Crown / Domino | t | Usersoft | small | boxed |
New york city | t | Americana | small | boxed |
New york city | d | Americana | large | boxed |
Nexus | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Nibbler | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Nightmare Maze | t | Blue Ribbon | small | boxed |
Nightmares | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Nightraiders & Ardy the ardvark | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Ninja (English inlay) | t | Entertainment USA | small | boxed |
Ninja (English inlay + hint | t | Entertainment USA | small | boxed |
Ninja (multi langual inlay) | t | Entertainment USA | small | boxed |
Ninja commando | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Ninja commando | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Ninja master | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Nuclear nick | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Nucleus | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Null Grad Nord | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Numtris | d | Powersoft | small | boxed |
Numtris (different packaging) | d | Powersoft | small | boxed |
Nursery Rhymes | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Oblitroid | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Odsiecz/Follow me/Klocki/Fustynna burza | t | Tajemnice Atari | small | boxed |
Ogre | d | Origin | large | boxed |
Oil’s well | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Ollie’s follies | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Olympia Lexikon | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Olympic skier | t | Americana | small | boxed |
On cue | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
One man and his droid (English inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
One man and his droid (English/German inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
One on one | t | Ariola soft | small | boxed |
One on one | d | Ariola soft | small | boxed |
One on one | d | Electronic Arts | large | boxed |
One on one (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Operation blood | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Operation blood | d | Top Magazin | large | boxed |
Operation blood | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Operation blood | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Operation blood for the lightgun | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Operazione Tuono | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Orc attack | r | Creative sparks | small | boxed |
O’reilly’s mine | t | Datasoft | small | boxed |
Orto puzzle | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Ortografia | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Ortografia | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Othello 3D | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Outris | t | Domain | small | boxed |
Owari & Bull and cow | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Pac-man (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Pac-man | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Pac-man (400/800) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Pacific Coast Highway | t | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Paint | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Panic Express | t | Byte back | small | boxed |
Panik! | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Panther | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Panther | t | Entertainment USA | small | boxed |
Panzer grenadier | d | SSI | large | boxed |
Paperclip | d | Ariola soft | large | boxed |
Parsec XL | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Parsifal | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Partyware | d | Hi Tec Expressions | small | boxed |
Peanut Butter Panic | r | CBS Software | large | boxed |
Pengo (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Pengon | t | Microdeal | small | boxed |
Pengon | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Periscope up | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Phantastic Journey I | d | Powersoft | large | boxed |
Phantom | d | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Phantom | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Phantom | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Phantom | d | KE soft | small | boxed |
Picasso | t | Domain | small | boxed |
Picnic Paranoia | r | Synapse | large | boxed |
Picnic Paranoia | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
Piekielko | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Pilarski poker | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Pinball Construction Set | d | Ariolasoft | large | boxed |
Pinguin | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Pirates of the barbary coast | d | Cascade | small | boxed |
Pitfall | r | Activision | large | boxed |
Pitfall II | t | Activision | large | boxed |
Pitstop | t | Rushware | small | boxed |
Pitstop | r | Epyx | large | boxed |
Pitstop II | t | Rushware | small | boxed |
Planet attack | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Planet Miners | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Planetfall | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Plastron | d | Harlequin | small | boxed |
Plastron | t | Harlequin | small | boxed |
Plattermania | r | Epyx | large | boxed |
Player piano (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Players dream 1 | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Players dream 2 | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Pogoman | t | Computer Magic | large | boxed |
Pogotron | t | Gamebusters | small | boxed |
Pokey Player | d | Alliance | loose | |
Polar pierre | d | Databyte | large | boxed |
Polar pierre | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
Pole position | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Pole position | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Pole position (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Pole position (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Pondering about Max’s | d | Change in heat | small | boxed |
Pong | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Pool | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Pooldisk | cd | B&E Schreurs | small | boxed |
Pooldisk too | cd | B&E Schreurs | small | boxed |
Popeye | r | Parker brothers | large | boxed |
Pothole pete | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Powerdown | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Preppie | t | Adventure international | large | boxed |
Presidents of the United States (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Prince of Persia | d | Homebrew | large | boxed |
Prince of Persia | r | Homebrew | large | boxed |
Printpower | d | Hi tech expressions | large | boxed |
Printstar | d | AMC verlag | small | boxed |
Printstar II | d | AMC verlag | large | boxed |
Printstar II 24 | d | AMC verlag | small | boxed |
Pro Golf | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Pro mountain bike simulator | t | Alternative software | small | boxed |
Problem Jasia | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Problem Jasia | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Programmeren hoe doe je dat 1 | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Programmeren hoe doe je dat 2 | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Programmeren hoe doe je dat 3 | t | Atari BNL | large | boxed |
Programmieren leicht gemacht | t | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Programmi per Atari 130XE | t | Gruppo Jackson | small | boxed |
Protector | d | Synapse | loose | |
Protector | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Protector (blister) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Przemytnik | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Pungoland (+ Construction-Kit) | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Puzzle1 | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Pyramidos | d | AMC Verlag | large | boxed |
Q-bert | r | Parker brothers | small | boxed |
Qix | r | Atari | loose | |
Quartet Gold | t | Red Rat | small | boxed |
Quarxon (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Quasimodo | d | Synsoft | large | boxed |
Quasimodo | t | Synsoft | small | boxed |
Quest for eternity | t | Bug byte | small | boxed |
Quest for the maltese chicken | d | Futureware | loose | |
Questprobe 1: The Hulk | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Questprobe 1: The Hulk | d | Green Valley | small | boxed |
Questprobe 2: Spiderman | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Questprobe 2: Spiderman | d | Adventure International | loose | |
Quick assembler | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
R-bert | t | Wizardsoft | small | boxed |
Racing Destruction Set | d | Ariolasoft | large | boxed |
Racing Destruction Set | d | Electronic Arts | large | boxed |
Raid over Moscow | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Rally speedway | r | Adventure International | loose | |
Rambit V1 | t | Rambit | loose | |
Rampage | d | Activision UK | small | boxed |
Rampage | t | Activision UK | small | boxed |
Realsports football (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Realsports football (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Realm of Impossibility | d | Ariolasoft | small | boxed |
Rear guard | d | Adventure International | large | boxed |
Red max | t | Codemasters | small | boxed |
Red moon | t | Level 9 | small | boxed |
Rescue on fractalus | d | Activision UK | large | boxed |
Rescue on fractalus! (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Revenge II | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
Reverse / Missile Action | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Reversi II (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Richard Petty’s Talladega | d | Cosmi | large | boxed |
Richard Petty’s Rennzirkus | t | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
Ridiculous reality | r | Matosimi | small | boxed |
Riot | d | Domain | loose | |
Riot | t | Domain | small | boxed |
River raid | t | Activision UK | small | boxed |
River raid | r | Activision | loose | |
River raid | t | Unknown Italian | small | boxed |
River rally | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
River rescue | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
River rescue | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
River rescue | r | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
River rescue | t | Creative Sparks | small | boxed |
Robal Duch | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Robbo | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Robbo | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Robbo | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Robomash | d | TWAUG | loose | |
Robot knights | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Robotron:2084 (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Rocket Repair Man | t | Red Rat | small | boxed |
Rockford & crystal raider | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
Rockman | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Roderic | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Rogue | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Roman empire | t | Lothorien | small | boxed |
Roman empire | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Rotor II | r | Double F | large | boxed |
Rosen’s brigade | t | Gentry | large | boxed |
Roulette simulator | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
RPN Calculator simulator (APX) | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Rucu | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Ruff and reddy in the space adventure | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Salmon Run (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Salmon Run (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Sammy the sea serpent | t | PDI | large | boxed |
Sampler | d | Mirage | loose | |
Samurai’s game | d | Plus | small | boxed |
Samurai’s game | t | Plus | small | boxed |
Saper | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Saper | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Saper | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Saper constructor | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Sargon III | d | Logotron Ltd. | large | boxed |
Savage Island part II | t | Adventure International | loose | |
Savage pond | d | Starcade | small | boxed |
Savage pond | t | Bug byte | small | boxed |
Schatz-Suche | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Scooter | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Scram | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Screaming wings | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Screaming wings | d | Red rat | large | boxed |
Screendump II | d | Klaus Peters | loose | |
Screendump utility (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Screwball | t | Blue Ribbon | small | boxed |
Sea Dragon | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
Sea Fighter | d | Secret games | small | boxed |
See saw scramble | t | Romik | small | boxed |
Seeschlacht | t | Europa Computer Club | small | boxed |
Settore Sigma | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Sexy six | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Sexy six data disk 1 | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Sexy six data disk 2 | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Sexy six data disk 3 | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Sexversi | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Shamus | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Shatablast | t | LBD Software | small | boxed |
Ship | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Ship | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Shit | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Shogun Master | d | Ralf David | large | boxed |
Shoot ’em up | t | Budgie | small | boxed |
Shoot Memory | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Sidewinder | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Sidewinder | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Sidewinder | t | Futureware | large | boxed |
Sidewinder II | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Silent butler | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Silent service | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Silent service c’85 | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
Silent service c’86 | d | Microprose | large | boxed |
Silent service c’86 | t | Microprose | large | boxed |
Silicia Shop 100 Club Programs | t | Silicia Shop | large | boxed |
Silicon | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Silicon dreams | d | Rainbird | large | boxed |
Silicon dreams | t | Rainbird | large | boxed |
Silicon warrior | t | Rushware | small | boxed |
Simple minds | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Skarbnik | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Ski-Weltcup | d | Ariolasoft GER | loose | |
Sling shot | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Slinky | t | Cosmi | small | boxed |
Slotmachine | t | Ariolasoft GER | large | boxed |
Smack! | t | Future design | small | boxed |
Smart Art | t | PF Software | small | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 1 | d | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 1 | d | English software | loose | |
Smash hits vol. 1 | t | English software | small | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 2 | t | English software | small | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 3 | t | English software | small | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 3 | d | English software | small | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 4 | d | English software | loose | |
Smash hits vol. 4 | t | English software | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 5 | d | English software | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 5 | t | English software | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 6 | d | English software | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 6 | t | English software | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 7 | d | English software | large | boxed |
Smash hits vol. 7 | t | English software | small | boxed |
Smus | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Snokie | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Snooker & billiards | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Soccer | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
Soccer | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
Soccer | r | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Soccer manager | d | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Softnote | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Software Pack (Pay off/paint/Home Filing) | d | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Solar star | d | Microdraft | large | boxed |
Solitaire (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Solo flight | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Solo flight 2nd edition | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
SOS Saturn | d | Domain | loose | |
Sound Monitor V1.9 | d | Benjy-Soft | loose | |
Soundtracker | d | ANG Software | loose | |
Soundtracker | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Source code for Eastern Front APX | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Sourcgen | d | Werner Rätz | large | boxed |
Space gunner | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Space Hero | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Space invaders (400/800) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Space invaders (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Space invaders (400/800) | t | Atari | small | boxed |
Space Lobsters | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Space Lobsters | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Space rider | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Space shuttle | t | Activision | large | boxed |
Space shuttle | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Space shuttle | t | Microdeal | large | boxed |
Space station zulu | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Space wars | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Special delivery | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
Special delivery | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Special forces | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Speed ace | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Speed ace | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Speed ace (different inlay) | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Speed ace | d | Micro Discount | loose | |
Speed fox | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Speed hawk | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Speed Run | t | Red rat | large | boxed |
Speed Run | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Speed zone | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Spellbound (English inlay) | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
Spellbound (multi lang. inlay) | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
Spellbreaker | d | Infocom | large | boxed |
Spider/Snap II Plus | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Spiky harold | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Spindizzy | t | Electric dreams | small | boxed |
Spindizzy | t | Winner | small | boxed |
Spitfire 40 | d | Mirrorsoft | small | boxed |
Spitfire 40 | t | Mirrorsoft | large | boxed |
Spitfire ace | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Splash / Tetris | d | Ulf Petersen | large | boxed |
Spooky Castle | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Sport Lexikon | d | Atari GER | large | boxed |
Sports spectacular | d | Keypunch | small | boxed |
Spot the ball | t | Creative Sparks | large | boxed |
Springer | r | Tigervision | large | boxed |
Sprong | d | Red rat | loose | |
Sprong | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Spy Hunter | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy | d | First star | large | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy | t | Beyond | large | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy 2 | t | Databyte | large | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy 2 | d | Databyte | large | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy 2 | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy 3 | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy 3 | t | Databyte | large | boxed |
Spy vs. Spy Trilogy | t | Databyte | large | boxed |
Spy’s Demise / Spy Strikes Back | t | Electric dreams | loose | |
Spy’s Demise / Spy Strikes Back | d | Electric dreams | loose | |
Spymaster | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
S.S. Achilles | d | Beyond | small | boxed |
Stack up | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Stack up | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Stack up | d | KE soft | small | boxed |
Star Flite | t | Prism Leisure | large | boxed |
Star raider | r | Atari | loose | |
Star raiders | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Star raiders | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Star raiders | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Star raiders (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Star raiders II | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Star raiders II (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Star trek | r | Sega | loose | |
Star wars | t | Domark | small | boxed |
Starball | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Starblade | t | Electric Dreams | large | boxed |
Starbase fighter | d | Gentry | large | boxed |
Starkstrom Seestern | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Starquake | d | Bubble bus | small | boxed |
Starquake | t | Bubble bus | small | boxed |
StarTexter | d | Sybex | large | boxed |
States and Capitals | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Statistics 1 | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Stealth | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Steeple Jack | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Steve davis snooker | d | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Steve davis snooker | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Steve davis snooker | t | CDS Software | small | boxed |
Stock Analysis | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Storm | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Stratosphere | t | Players | small | boxed |
Streets | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Strippoker | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Submarine commander | r | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Submarine commander | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Submarine commander | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
Submarine commander | t | Creative Sparks | small | boxed |
Submon V2.2D | d | Top Magazin | loose | |
Summer games | d | Epyx | large | boxed |
Summer games | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Sun star | d | CRL | large | boxed |
Sun star | t | CRL | large | boxed |
Sun star | t | Ariolasoft | large | boxed |
Sunday Golf | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Super breakout (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Super cobra | r | Parker Brothers | large | boxed |
Super cubes and slip | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Super cubes and tilt | t | Thorn EMI | large | boxed |
Super Fortuna | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Super Fortuna | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Super Gärtner | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Super huey | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Super snake | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Super Zaxxon | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Superdos v2.9 | d | Decos | loose | |
Superman | t | Prism Leisure leisure | small | boxed |
Superscacchi | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Superski | d | AMC verlag | small | loose |
Supersort rev.3 (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Supertekst | d | Courbois | large | boxed |
Survivors | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
Swash! | t | Wizardsoft | small | boxed |
Syn boga wiatru | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Syncalc | d | Synapse | large | boxed |
Synchron | d missing | Synapse | large | boxed |
Synfile+ | d | Synapse | large | boxed |
Syntrend | d | Synapse | large | boxed |
System 8 | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
T34 the battle | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Table Football | t | Budgie | small | boxed |
Tactic | d | KE Soft | small | boxed |
Tactic | t | Sonix | small | boxed |
Tactic | d | Sonix | small | boxed |
Tagalon | d | MD software | small | boxed |
Tales of dragons and cavemen | d | AMC Verlag | small | boxed |
Talladega | t | Top Ten Hits | small | boxed |
Tamibi (compilation) | d | AMC Verlag | large | boxed |
Tanium | t | Players | small | boxed |
Tank commander | t | Aackosoft | large | boxed |
Tank commander | t | Sparklers | small | boxed |
Tank commander | t | Creative Sparks | small | boxed |
Tanks | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Tanktics | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
Tank vs Tank | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Tapper | t | Us gold | small | boxed |
Tapper | d | Us gold | large | boxed |
Tari-talk | d | Page 6 software | large | boxed |
Tarkus | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Tarkus and the crystal of fear | d | Tiger developments | loose | |
Tarkus II + The Citadel | d | Tiger developments | loose | |
Teacher killer | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Team-mate | d | Triomicro | large | boxed |
Technus | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Tecno ninja | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Tekblast | d | Sikor soft | small | boxed |
Telefoon modem software | d | Atin | large | boxed |
Telelink I | r | Atari | loose | |
Teletalk | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Telly turtle | t | Carrousel | large | boxed |
Temple of Apshai (83) | t | Epyx | large | boxed |
Temple of Apshai (83) | d | Epyx | loose | |
Ten little indians | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
Tennis (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
Tennis (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Text Wizard 1.3 | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
The alchemist | d | Softscan | large | boxed |
The arcade machine | d | Broderbund | loose | |
The atari basic compiler | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
The backup master 2.0 | d | Duplicating | loose | |
The basic tutor I | t | Atari | large | boxed |
The black box hd utilities | d | CSS | loose | |
The bookkeeper | d | Atari | large | boxed |
The brundles | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
The brundles editor | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
The comet game | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
The convicts | d | Domain | small | boxed |
The convicts | t | Domain | small | boxed |
The count | d | Adventure international | large | boxed |
The count | t | Adventure international | loose | |
The Cracker | t | Supersoft | small | boxed |
The crypts of Plumbous | t | Cosmi | loose | |
The Curse (Klatwa English) | d | LK avalon | loose | |
The dallas quest | d | Datasoft | loose | |
The designer’s pencil | r | Activision | small | boxed |
The disassembler | d | Top Magazin | loose | |
The E Factor | t | Cosmi | large | boxed |
The eidolon | d | Activision UK | large | boxed |
The extirpator | t | Silverbird | small | boxed |
The fall of Rome | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
The first XLEnt wordprocessor | d | XLEnt | large | boxed |
The golden baton | t | Adventure international | small | boxed |
The goonies | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
The goonies | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
The goonies (jewelcase German) | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
The great American road race | d | Activision UK | large | boxed |
The great American road race | t | Activision UK | small | boxed |
The great American road race | t | Silverbird | small | boxed |
The greatest hits | d | FM software | small | boxed |
The guild of thieves | d | Rainbird | large | boxed |
The halle project | d | TOPcrew | small | boxed |
The halle project ’94 | d | TOPcrew | small | boxed |
The home filing manager 400/800 | d | Atari | large | boxed |
The home filing manager XL | d | Atari | large | boxed |
The jar game / Chaos | t | Milliken | large | boxed |
The jet action | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
The last guardian | d | MD software | small | boxed |
The last guardian | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
The last v8 | t | M.A.D. | small | boxed |
The living daylights | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
The living daylights | t | Domark | small | boxed |
The living daylights | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
The lone raider | t | Atarisoft UK | small | boxed |
The lone raider | t | Atari UK | large | boxed |
The Orb of Zarramier | t | Futureware | small | boxed |
The Pay Off | t | Bug Byte | small | boxed |
The Pay Off | d | Atari UK | large | boxed |
The Pawn | d | Rainbird | large | boxed |
The Pharaoh’s curse | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
The Picture Thief II | d | JomaWare | loose | |
The Printshop | d | Broderbund | disk+man | |
The Printshop Graphics Libr. disk | d | Aackosoft | loose | |
The Printshop Graphics Libr. disk 2 | d | Broderbund | loose | |
The Programmer Pack | d | Atari | large | boxed |
The sands of Egypt | d | Datasoft | disk+man | |
The seven cities of gold | d | Electronic arts | large | boxed |
The shattered alliance | d | SSI | large | boxed |
The tail of Beta Lyrae | t | Databyte | small | boxed |
The time machine | t | Paxman Promotions | small | boxed |
The ultra copier v2.0 | d | Pokey | large | boxed |
The Wizard Akyrz | t | Dixons pack | small | boxed |
The Worm in Paradise | t | Level 9 | small | boxed |
Theatre Europe | t | PSS | large | boxed |
Theatre Europe (diff. pack.) | t | PSS | large | boxed |
Theatre Europe | d | PSS | large | boxed |
Thinker | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Thinker | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Thinker | t | Mirage | loose | |
Thinx | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Threshold | d | On-Line systems | loose | |
Thrust | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
Thunderfox (XE) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Thunderfox | t | Atari UK | large | boxed |
Tic Tac Snack | t | Lindasoft | small | boxed |
Tiger Attack | t | Atari UK | large | boxed |
Time Pilot | r | New Generation | small | boxed |
Timewise | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Titan | t | Atlantis | small | boxed |
TKKG | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
TML drum editor | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
TML drum editor II | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
TML Zebuland utility disk | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Tobot / Bros | d | KE Soft | loose | |
Tomahawk | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Tomahawk | t | Digital Integration | small | boxed |
Topper | r | Romox | loose | |
Topografie Europa | t | Radarsoft | small | boxed |
Top Secret | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Touch typing | t | Atari | large | boxed |
Touchdown Football | d | Ariola soft | small | boxed |
Track & field (XL) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Trailblazer | t | Gremlin | small | boxed |
Transdisk IV (4.2) | d | Page 6 Software | large | boxed |
Transdisk IV (4.0) | d | digicomm | loose | |
Transmuter | t | Codemasters | small | boxed |
Transylvania | d | Penguin | loose | |
Treasure quest | t | Prism Leisure | large | boxed |
Tricky print | d | Compy shop | large | boxed |
Trivial pursuit | t | Domark | large | boxed |
Trivial pursuit | d | Domark | large | boxed |
Trix | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Trix | t | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Tron | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Tube baddies | d | Richard Gore | large | boxed |
Turbican | d | ASF | small | boxed |
Turbican | t | ASF | small | boxed |
Turbodos | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Turbodos | d | Reitershan | loose | |
Turboflex | t | Aackosoft | small | boxed |
Turf form | t | Blue ribbon | small | boxed |
Tusker | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Tutti frutti | t | Adventure international | small | boxed |
Tutti frutti | t | Quelle | small | boxed |
Twilight world | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Twilight world (different cover | t | Atari UK | small | boxed |
Typo attack (XL) | r | Atari | large | boxed |
U235 | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Uczen Czarnoksieznika | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Ufos/Blitzschnell | t | Atari GER | loose | |
Ultima II | d | Aackosoft | loose | |
Ultima III Exodus | d | Origin | large | boxed |
Ultimate Renumber Utility (APX) | t | Atari | loose | |
Universal hero | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Up ‘n down | t | US Gold | small | boxed |
Up up and away | t | Bug byte | small | boxed |
Upior | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Vegas Jackpot | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Vegas Jackpot (price 1.99 on inlay) | t | Mastertronic | small | boxed |
Vicky | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Video classics | t | Silverbird | small | boxed |
Video easel (400/800) | r | Atari | small | boxed |
Video Poker / Vegas Jackpot | d | Mastertronic US | large | boxed |
Viewterm | d | Miracle Technologies | loose | |
Visicalc | d | Visicorp | large | boxed |
Voice maser | d | Anirog | loose | |
Voodoo Castle | d | Adventure International USA | large | boxed |
Voyager I | t | Avalon Hill | large | boxed |
War copter | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
War copter | t | Red rat | small | boxed |
Wargames | d | Coleco | loose | |
War hawk | t | Firebird | small | boxed |
War in Russia | d | SSI | large | boxed |
Waxworks | t | Adventure international | small | boxed |
Waxworks | t | Channel 8 | small | boxed |
Weekly planner (APX) | d | Atari | large | boxed |
Whirlinurd | t | Americana | small | boxed |
Whirlinurd | t | US Gold | large | boxed |
Whirlinurd | d | US Gold | large | boxed |
Who dares wins II | t | Alternative Software | large | boxed |
Whoops | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Whoops | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Whoops | t | Mirage | small | boxed |
Whoops 2 | d | ANG Software | large | boxed |
Wilder Westen | t | Europa computer club | small | boxed |
Will Harvey’s Music construction set | d | Electronic arts | loose | |
Winter events | d | Anco | small | boxed |
Winter olympiad ’88 | t | Tynesoft | large | boxed |
Winter olympiad ’88 | d | Tynesoft | large | boxed |
Winter olympics | d | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Winter olympics | t | Tynesoft | small | boxed |
Winter wally | t | Alternative | small | boxed |
Winter wally | t | Micro Design | small | boxed |
Wladcy Ciemnosci | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Wloczykij | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Word Olympics | t | English Software | small | boxed |
Word hanger | t | Interceptor | small | boxed |
Word race | t | Don’t Ask | loose | |
Word race | d | Don’t Ask | large | boxed |
World Cup Manager | d | STV Software | large | boxed |
World Cup Manager | t | STV Software | small | boxed |
World Soccer | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
World Soccer | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Worms | t | Wizardsoft | small | boxed |
Wormy | t | Hatier | large | boxed |
Wyprawy Kupca | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Xenophobe | r | Video61 | loose | |
XL Art | d | Klaus Peters | loose | |
XEP80 bootdisk | d | Atari | loose | |
Yogi bear in the greed moster | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Yogi’s great escape | t | Hi tec | small | boxed |
Zador | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Zap pak 1 (Bubble Trouble & Excelsor) | d | Players | loose | |
Zap pak 2 (Stratosphere & Dizzy Dice) | d | Players | small | boxed |
Zaxxon | d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Zaxxon | t | Datasoft | small | boxed |
Zaxxon | t | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Zaxxon | t+d | Datasoft | large | boxed |
Zbir | d | Mirage | small | boxed |
Zebuland | d | KE soft | large | boxed |
Zenji | r | Activision | small | boxed |
Zeppelin | d | Synapse | disk+man | |
Zerowars | t | Byte Back | small | boxed |
Zeus | d | LK avalon | small | boxed |
Zielpunkt 0 Grad Nord | d | Secret Games | large | boxed |
Zone X (clamshell) | t | Gremlin | small | boxed |
Zone X | t | Gremlin | small | boxed |
Zong Classics 1: Brain Dead | d | Ke Soft | small | boxed |
Zong Classics 3: Maze-Kraze | d | Ke Soft | small | boxed |
Zong Classics 4: Fastest Moves | d | Ke Soft | small | boxed |
Zong Classics 5: X-mas Atmospheres | d | Ke Soft | small | boxed |
Zork III | d | Infocom | loose | |
Zorro | d | Us gold | large | boxed |
Zorro | t | Us Gold | small | boxed |
Zorro/Heavy Metal | t | Hit Games | large | boxed |
Zybex | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Zybex (alt. cover) | t | Zeppelin | small | boxed |
Zybex (stereo) | d | ANG Software | small | boxed |
Zybex | d | KE soft | small | boxed |
Below the list of public domain software. All media are originals from the publishers listed.
Stichting Pokey PD:
Disks: 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 66, 71, 72, 74, 79, 81, 82, 86, DE3, DE4, DE5, DE6, DE7, DE8, DE9, DE10, DE11, DE12, DE13, DE14, DE15, UT4, UT6, UT7, UT8, UT9, UT10, UT11, UT14, UT17, DA1, ED1, PR1, Pokey’s promotion demo, Pokey’s infodisk, Unity demo.
Stichting Atari Gebruikers (SAG) PD:
Disks: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26a, 26b, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 152a, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 188, 190, 192, 192, 194, 195, 197, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 216a, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, catalogue, Handleiding Turbo Basic XL 1.5 disk
Cassette tapes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17
Atari Bezitters Cub Almere
Disks: 1, Digidrum/Digisynth data, Digidrum II samples, Replay samples
Page 6/New Atari User PD:
Disks: 3, 7, 8, 21, 25, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 55, 59, 63, 67, 69, 80, 81, 98, 107, 116, 206, 214, Pokey tunes
Please note: issue disks can be found in the books and magazines section.
Verlag W. Raetz:
Disk: 41
Abbuc PD:
Disk: Us games 3, 332, Abbuc-Pokey Treffen 1992
Please note: issue disks can be found in the books and magazines section.
Usermag PD:
Disk: 29a, 29b, 29c, 29d
Disk: 6
Copy Service PD:
Disk: A006, A080
Top Magazin PD:
Sound Monitor V1.2