Atari 8-bit software

Omdat de grafische mogelijkheden veel beter waren dan die van de Apple II in combinatie Atari's marketing, kregen deze computers een goede reputatie op het gebied van spellen. Toen Jerry Pornelle probeerde te beslissen welke computer hij voor zijn zonen zou kopen schreef hij in 1982, dat "als je alleen geïnteresseerd bent in spelletjes, dit de machine is die je moet kopen. Hij is ook niet zo duur". Spellen domineerden de softwarebibliotheek en er waren minder zakelijke toepassingen verkrijgbaar dan voor de Apple II. Een boek met recensies in 1984 vulde 198 pagina's met recensies van spellen en maar 167 pagina's met recensies van andere software. Het viel op dat er sprake was van een duidelijke "grafische look" die Atari spellen bezaten: "Meerdere grafische modi, vier richtingen vloeiend scrollen, kleurrijke aangepaste karakter-set achtergronden en player missile graphics.(sprites)"

Star Raiders was Atari's zogenaamde "killer app", zoals VisiCalc dat was voor de Apple II. Deze programma's haalden klanten over die computers te kopen. Tijdschrift Antic verklaarde in 1986 dat "het het eerste programma was dat alle audio en visuele mogelijkheden van de Atari computer liet zien." Het was maar een spel, ja, maar het veranderde het idee van wat een computer kon doen.

Dit is de software collectie (originele versies, géén kopiën!). Niets uit deze collectie is te koop. Als je een artikel hebt dat niet op de lijst staat, neem dan contact met me op en misschien kunnen we tot een deal komen. Donaties zijn uiteraard ook welkom 🙂

TitelMediaUitgeverDoos groottelos/in doos
101 Programming tipstAtari loose
180! (different tape label)tM.A.D.smallboxed
1k Atascii BlastertPhobotronsmallboxed
3d Tic tac toe (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
5×5dSikor softsmallboxed
5×5 editordSikor softsmallboxed
AackoboektAackosoft loose
ABCdSikor softsmallboxed
AccountingtAtari loose
Ace of acestUs goldlargeboxed
Ace of acesdUs goldlargeboxed
Ace of acestKixxsmallboxed
Ace of aces (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Action bikerdMastertronic USlargeboxed
Action bikertMastertronicsmallboxed
AD 2044tLK avalonsmallboxed
AD 2044dLK avalonsmallboxed
AdaxdLK avalonsmallboxed
AdaxtLK avalonsmallboxed
A day at the RacestRed Ratsmallboxed
Advanced pinball simulatortCodemasterssmallboxed
Adventure CreatorrSpinnakerlargeboxed
Agent 0815 / NasenjacktTronic Verlagloose
A Hacker’s NightdAMC Verlaglargeboxed
Air RescuetAtlantissmallboxed
Airball (XE)rAtarismallboxed
AirlinetPrism Leisuresmallboxed
AirlinetAriolasoft GER loose
AirstriketEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Airstrike 2tEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
AlchemiadANG Softwaresmallboxed
Alien BlastdKE softlargeboxed
Aliencounter /Face FlashtMillikenlargeboxed
Alley cattAmericanasmallboxed
Alpha ShieldrSiriuslargeboxed
Alphabet FactorydDiskoverysmallboxed
Alphabet ZoorSpinnakerlargeboxed
Alternate realitydUS Goldlargeboxed
AMJbase 3.0dAMJ softlargeboxed
An invitation to programming (c)85tAtarisoft UKsmallboxed
An invitation to programming (c)87tAtarismallboxed
An invitation to programming 1tAtarismallboxed
An invitation to programming 2tAtarilargeboxed
An invitation to programming 3tAtarilargeboxed
AndroiddLK avalonsmallboxed
Andromeda conquesttAvalon Hilllargeboxed
ANG Sample Utility DiskdANG Softwaresmallboxed
ANG’s Greatest hitsdRewind Gameslargeboxed
Another PongdAbbucsmallboxed
Ant questdKE softlargeboxed
Apple PanictBroderbund loose
Arcade bonanzadKeypunchsmallboxed
Arcade classicstUS Goldsmallboxed
Arcade pack 4: roadracer/bowlertAvalon Hilllargeboxed
ArchontAriolasoft loose
Archon (XE)rAtarismallboxed
ArenadKE Softlargeboxed
Arena 3000tMicrodealsmallboxed
Arena 3000dMicrodeal loose
ArkanoidtHit squadsmallboxed
Artefakt przodkowdASFlargeboxed
ArtisttDixons packsmallboxed
Assembler editorrAtarilargeboxed
Asteroids (400/800)rAtarilargeboxed
Astro ChasetAackosoftlargeboxed
Astro ChasedFirst Star disk+man
Astro ChasetFirst Starlargeboxed
Astro ChaserParker Brotherslargeboxed
Astro droidtByte Backsmallboxed
Astro droidtRed ratsmallboxed
AsylumdUS goldlargeboxed
Atari AcestUS goldlargeboxed
Atari adressenbestandtAtari BNLlargeboxed
Atari artistrAtari loose
Atari artist / 1020 screen dumptAtarismallboxed
Atari cassette 1tCourboissmallboxed
Atari cassette 2tCourboissmallboxed
Atari cassette 2stCourboissmallboxed
Atari cassette 3tCourboissmallboxed
Atari cassette 4tCourboissmallboxed
Atari cassette 603tCourboissmallboxed
Atari cassette 604tCourboissmallboxed
Atari Cassette EnhancertAackosoftlargeboxed
Atari Cassette EnhancertEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Atari compilation (TX9043)tAtari UKsmallboxed
Atari compilation (TXP7000)tAtari UKsmallboxed
Atari compilation (TXP7100)tAtari UKsmallboxed
Atari compilation (TXP7101)tAtari UKsmallboxed
Atari demodisk (DXN-411)dAtari BNL loose
Atari disk 1dCourbois loose
Atari energietAtari BNLlargeboxed
Atari grafiekentAtari BNLlargeboxed
Atari Info listings 2tSACloose
Atari Kaartsysteemd+manAtari BNL loose
Atari Lab Starter Set (French release)rAtari FRlargeboxed
Atari Listingspecial A+BdSAC loose
Atari logo (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Atari micro instructie snelstart cassettetAackosoftsmallboxed
Atari Microsoft basic II (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Atari Pascal language system (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Atari Pilot cx4018rAtarilargeboxed
Atari Pilot cx405 Educators packagerAtarilargeboxed
Atari PlanetariumdAtarilargeboxed
Atari ProofreaderdAtari loose
Atari safaritIllusionsmallboxed
Atari SchreiberrAtari GERlargeboxed
Atari SchreiberdAtari GERlargeboxed
Atari speed readingtAtarilargeboxed
Atari statistiekentAtari BNLlargeboxed
Atari word processor cx404dAtarilargeboxed
Atariwriter 80dAtarilargeboxed
Atariwriter plusdAtarilargeboxed
Atin telefoon modem softwaredAtin loose
AtlantisdAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
Atlantis Ultimo UomotLindasoftsmallboxed
Atmas IIdHofackerlargeboxed
Atomit IIdKE softlargeboxed
Attack at EP-CYG-4dBram Inc loose
Attack of the mutant camelstLLamasoftsmallboxed
Attack of the mutant camels (small cass.)tLLamasoftsmallboxed
Attack of the mutant camelstMastertronicsmallboxed
Audio training cassettetAtari BNLsmallboxed
Aufgepasst / Streit der KäfertAtari GER loose
AurumdLK Avalonsmallboxed
Automat PerkusyjnytLK avalonsmallboxed
AvalanchetAPX loose
AwardwaredHi Tec Expressionslargeboxed
AxiloxdANG Softwaresmallboxed
Axis AssasindElectronic Artslargeboxed
Aztec Challenge/Die rituale der Aztekent & dAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
Aztec ChallengetTop tensmallboxed
Aztec ChallengetCosmilargeboxed
Baja BuggiesdGamestar loose
Baja BuggiestGamestarlargeboxed
BallblazerdActivision UKlargeboxed
BallblazertActivision UKsmallboxed
Ballblazer (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Bang bank!dMiragesmallboxed
Ball-CrackerdSecret Gameslargeboxed
Bang bank!tMiragesmallboxed
BarahirdLK avalonsmallboxed
BarbariandLK avalonsmallboxed
Barnyard blaster (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Basic (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
BasicdupdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Basil the great mouse detectivedGremlinsmallboxed
Basil the great mouse detectivetGremlinlargeboxed
Basketball (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
Battalion commanderdSSIlargeboxed
Battalion commandertUS Goldlargeboxed
Battle shipsdMiragesmallboxed
Battle shipstMiragesmallboxed
Battlezone (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Battling Bugs / ConcentrationtMillikenlargeboxed
Batty BuilderstEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
BC’s quest for tirestAackosoftlargeboxed
Beach headdUS Goldlargeboxed
Beach head IIdUS Goldlargeboxed
Beer belly burt’s brew bizdAmericanalargeboxed
Beer belly burt’s brew biztAmericanasmallboxed
Bibo dosdCompy shoplargeboxed
Bibo dos version 5x/6x XFdCompy shoploose
Big birds special deliveryrCBS loose
Bill budge pinball construction setdElectronic artslargeboxed
BioritmetAtari BNLlargeboxed
Bitter Reality nr. 38dSlight loose
Black JackdUlf Petersenlargeboxed
Blackjack (Dutch)tAtari BNLlargeboxed
Black LamptAtari UKlargeboxed
Black OuttEuropa Computer Clubsmallboxed
Blade runnertwizardsoftsmallboxed
Blinky’s scary schooltZeppelinsmallboxed
Blinky’s scary schooldANG Softwaresmallboxed
Blinky’s scary schooldKE softsmallboxed
BlockadetEuropa Computer clubloose
Blue maxdSynapselargeboxed
Blue maxtSynsoftsmallboxed
Blue maxdSynsoftlargeboxed
Blue maxtSynapse loose
Blue max (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Blue max 2001dSynsoftlargeboxed
Blue max 2001tSynsoftsmallboxed
Blue Ribbon Games Disk No 1dBlue ribbonlargeboxed
Blue ThundertRichard Wilcoxsmallboxed
BMX simulatortCodemasterssmallboxed
Boing II & Speed foxdTiger developmentslargeboxed
Boing II & Speed fox (different label)dTiger developments loose
Bomba contra bombatLindasoftsmallboxed
Bombastic!tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Bomber JackdKE Softlargeboxed
Bop’n WrestledMindscapelargeboxed
BoulderdashtPrism Leisuresmallboxed
Boulderdash IItDatabytesmallboxed
Boulderdash IIdDatabytelargeboxed
Boulderdash IItPrism Leisuresmallboxed
Boulderdash IVtHi Tec Softwaresmallboxed
Boulderdash Construction KitdDatabytelargeboxed
Boulderdash Construction KittDatabytesmallboxed
Boulders & bombsrCBSloose
Bounty bob strikes backtAmericanasmallboxed
Bounty bob strikes backtEaglesoftlargeboxed
Bounty bob strikes backtUS Goldsmallboxed
British heritage jigsaw puzzlestThorn EMIlargeboxed
British heritage jigsaw puzzles vol 1tThorn EMIlargeboxed
British heritage jigsaw puzzles vol 2tThorn EMIlargeboxed
Bruce LeedRushwarelargeboxed
Bruce LeetUS Goldsmallboxed
Bubble troubletPlayerssmallboxed
Bubble ZonedKE Softlargeboxed
Bug AttacktCavaliersmallboxed
Bug huntrAtari loose
Bug off!tDixons packsmallboxed
California runtAlternativesmallboxed
Canyon climbertDatasoftlargeboxed
Captain gatherdLK avalonsmallboxed
CardwaredHi Tech Expressionslargeboxed
CardwaredHi Tech Expressionssmallboxed
Carillon PrinterdPDI loose
Carnival MassacrerCreative Sparkslargeboxed
Cassette 50tCascadesmallboxed
Castle assaulttBlue ribbonsmallboxed
Castle ToptAlternativesmallboxed
Cave runnertEnglish softwaresmallboxed
CavelorddAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
CavelorddAtari GERlargeboxed
CaverniatLK avalonsmallboxed
Caverns of eribantFirebirdsmallboxed
Cavern CommandertScorpio Gamesworldsmallboxed
Caverns of KhafkadCosmilargeboxed
Caverns of KhafkatCosmismallboxed
Caverns of KhafkatUS Goldsmallboxed
Caverns of mars (400/800)dAtarilargeboxed
Caverns of mars (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Caves of deathtChannel 8smallboxed
Centipede (brown label)rAtariloose
CenturiondSikor softsmallboxed
ChangetLK avalonsmallboxed
ChangedLK avalonsmallboxed
Chaos music composertLK avalonsmallboxed
Chaos music composerdLK avalon loose
Chaos music composer (diff. label)dLK avalon loose
Chenault’s Flying TigerstDiscovery gameslargeboxed
ChesstAtarisoft UKsmallboxed
Chicken ChasetBug Bytesmallboxed
Chimera (budget rerelease)tFirebirdsmallboxed
Chips die je niet kunt eten (audio)tSNSsmallloose
Chips die je niet kunt eten: diversentSNSsmallloose
Chips die je niet kunt eten: taal-rekenprogramma’stSNSsmallloose
Chop SueydEnglish Software loose
Chucky eggtANFsmallboxed
Cloak of DeathtBug bytesmallboxed
Clowns and Balloonst & dDatasoftlargeboxed
Cohen’s towers & Cosmic tunnelstDatabytesmallboxed
Colorfont editordANG Softwaresmallboxed
Colossus chess 3tEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Colossus chess 4tCDSlargeboxed
CommandertTop tensmallboxed
Compute 4 and reversi (pal)tThorn EMIlargeboxed
Compute 4 and reversi (ntsc)tThorn EMIlargeboxed
Computer Baseball StrategytAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Computer chessrAtarismallboxed
Computer chess + Eur. Countries/CapitalstAtari UKsmallboxed
Computer-KrantEuropa Computer Clubsmallboxed
Computer-OrgeltEuropa Computer Clubsmallboxed
Computer QuarterbackdSSIlargeboxed
Computer Stocks & BondstAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Computer warrThorn EMIsmallboxed
Computer wartAackosoftlargeboxed
Computer wartCreative Sparkssmallboxed
Computer wartSparklerssmallboxed
Conflict in VietnamdMicroproselargeboxed
Conquest of the crownrLindasoftsmallboxed
ConstellationdLK avalonsmallboxed
Conversational FrenchtAtarilargeboxed
Conversational GermantAtarilargeboxed
Conversational ItaliantAtarilargeboxed
Conversational SpanishtAtarilargeboxed
Cops ‘n robberstAtlantissmallboxed
Cosmic piratetByte Backsmallboxed
Crack uptAtlantissmallboxed
Crazy CobratIllusionsmallboxed
Cribbage and dominoestThorn EMIlargeboxed
Crime buster (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Crossbow (XE)rAtarismallboxed
CrossfirerSierra on-line loose
Crumble’s crisistRed ratsmallboxed
Crusade in europe (dark blue box)dMicroproselargeboxed
Crusade in europe (orange box)dUS Goldlargeboxed
Crusade in europedMicroprose UKloose
Crush, crumble and chomp!tEpyxlargeboxed
Crystal castles (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Crystal raider (English inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
Crystal raider (multi langual inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
CultivationdKE softlargeboxed
Curse of crownly manortPrism Leisuresmallboxed
Cut and pastedElectronic artslargeboxed
Cuthbert goes walkabouttMicrodealsmallboxed
Cuthbert goes walkabouttDixons packsmallboxed
CybernometLBD Softwaresmallboxed
CyborgdSikor softsmallboxed
Cygnus XItAtari UKsmallboxed
DagobardLK avalonsmallboxed
DambusterstPrism Leisurelargeboxed
DampfmaschinetEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Danger rangertMicrodealsmallboxed
Danger rangertDixons packsmallboxed
Dark abyssdANG Softwaresmallboxed
Dark abysstMiragesmallboxed
Dark chambers (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Darkness hourdLK avalonsmallboxed
Darkness hourtLK avalonsmallboxed
DartstBlue ribbonsmallboxed
Darts (diff. packaging)tBlue ribbonsmallboxed
DartstThorn EMIlargeboxed
Database 3.0dAMJ softlargeboxed
Database 4.0dAMJ softlargeboxed
David’s midnight magic (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Dawn raidertAtlantissmallboxed
Daylight robberytAtlantissmallboxed
D-bugdElctronic Artslargeboxed
Death racetAtlantissmallboxed
Decision in the Desert (dark brown box)tUS Goldlargeboxed
Decision in the Desert (beige box)tMicroprose UKlargeboxed
Decision Maker (APX)tAtari loose
Defender (400/800)rAtarilargeboxed
Defender (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
Delta Drawing (clamshell)rSpinnakerlargeboxed
Delta Drawing (box)rSpinnakerlargeboxed
Deluxe invadersdRoklanlargeboxed
Demo cartridgerAtari loose
Denk Mit!tEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Der leise ToddRE Softwarelargeboxed
Des Chiffres et des LettresrAtari FR loose
Desert falcon (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Desmond’s dungeontAackosoftlargeboxed
Desmond’s dungeontAlternative softwaresmallboxed
Desmond’s dungeontCreative Sparkssmallboxed
Desmond’s dungeontSparkler’ssmallboxed
Despatch riderdEntertainment USA USsmallboxed
Despatch ridertMastertronicsmallboxed
Diamond minetBlue ribbonsmallboxed
DiamondstEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Die AusserirdischendKE softlargeboxed
Die English Stunde 3tEuropa Computer Clubsmallboxed
Dig Dug (brown cart)rAtari loose
Dig dug (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Dig dugdDatasoftsmallboxed
Digi duckdLK avalonsmallboxed
Digidrum digisynthd2 bitlargeboxed
Digidrum IId2 bitlargeboxed
Dimension XtAmericanasmallboxed
Dimension XdSynapse disk+man
Dimension XtSynapseloose
Diskette PackdAtari UKsmallboxed
Diskkeeper 3dAMJ softlargeboxed
Disk-keeper IIIdANG Softwarelargeboxed
DivexdAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Dizzy dicetPlayerssmallboxed
Dnieper River LinetAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Dog Daze (APX)tAtari loose
Domain of the undeadtByte Backsmallboxed
Domain of the undeadtRed ratsmallboxed
DonalddKE softlargeboxed
Donkey kong (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Donkey kong (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Donkey kong junior (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Dos 2.5dAtari loose
Dos 2.5 (different disk-label)dAtari loose
Double Pack 2 (Space Wars & Dreadnought)tRed ratsmallboxed
Dos XEdAtari loose
DraconusdANG Softwaresmallboxed
DragdKE softlargeboxed
DreadnaughttByte Backsmallboxed
DredisdKE Softlargeboxed
Dreidimensionale GrafikdHofackerlargeboxed
Drop itdSonixloose
DropzonetUS goldsmallboxed
Dsembler (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Duellin’ DroidtEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Dunjonquest datestones of ryndEpyxlargeboxed
Dunjonquest temple of Apshai (81)tEpyxlargeboxed
Dunjonquest Upper reaches of ApshaitEpyxlargeboxed
Dwie wiezedASFsmallboxed
EarthquaketPrism Leisuresmallboxed
Eastern front APXt+manAtari loose
Eastern front (XL cartridge with blue XE label)rAtarismallloose
Eastern front (XL)rAtarimediumboxed
Eastern front (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Eastern front (XL) rerelease diff. boxrAtariloose
Eastern front 1941tAtarisoft UKsmallboxed
Electric starfishtDixons packsmallboxed
Electric starfish (diff. packaging)tDixons packsmallboxed
Electric starfishtPrism leisurelargeboxed
Elektra glide (brown inlay)tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Elektra glide (white inlay)tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Elektra glidedEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Elektra glidedEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Elektra glidedMastertronic USlargeboxed
Emerald IsletLevel 9largeboxed
Enigmatix!dPage 6 Softwarelargeboxed
Escape from DoomworldtByte Backsmallboxed
Escape from DoomworldtRed ratsmallboxed
Eternal DaggerdSSIlargeboxed
ET Phone home (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
EurekadANG Softwarelargeboxed
Euro demo’stFM softwaresmallboxed
European countries and capitalstAtarilargeboxed
European countries and capitalstAtarisoft UKsmallboxed
European scene jigsaw puzzlestThorn EMIlargeboxed
European scene jigsaw puzzles vol 1tThorn EMIlargeboxed
European scene jigsaw puzzles vol 2tThorn EMIlargeboxed
European super soccer (German)dTynesoftsmallboxed
European super soccertTynesoftlargeboxed
Europese Landen en HoofdstedentAtari BNLlargeboxed
Exploding WalltByte Backsmallboxed
Extended fig-forth ev.2 (APX)tAtarilargeboxed
Extra-terrestres / MatuvutAtari Francelargeboxed
F15 strike eagle (disk c84)dMicroproselargeboxed
F15 strike eagle (disk c86)dMicroproselargeboxed
F15 strike eagletMicroprose UKlargeboxed
F15 strike eagle (red/brown packaging)tUS Goldlargeboxed
F15 strike eagle (blue packaging)tUS Goldlargeboxed
F15 strike eagle (blue packaging)dUS Goldlargeboxed
Family cashflow rev. 2 (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Family financesdAtarilargeboxed
Fantastic games 1dUsermaglargeboxed
Fantastic soccertZeppelinsmallboxed
Fantastic soccerdANG Software smallboxed
Fast EddierSiriuslargeboxed
Feud (different tape labeltBulldogsmallboxed
Field of firedSSIlargeboxed
Fight nightdAccoladelargeboxed
Fight nighttUS Goldlargeboxed
Fight night (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Fighter pilotdDigital integrationlargeboxed
Fighter pilottDigital Integrationsmallboxed
Fighter pilottByte Backsmallboxed
Fighter pilottInterceptorsmallboxed
Fighter pilot (diff. Packaging)tInterceptorsmallboxed
Figure funtThorn EMIlargeboxed
Film editortDomainsmallboxed
Final legacy (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
FirefleettEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
FirestonedSikor softsmallboxed
FirestonetSikor softsmallboxed
First stepstBaugsmallboxed
First steps with the mr MentMirrorsoftlargeboxed
Fische fischentEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Five card draw pokertAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Flight simulator IIdSublogiclargeboxed
Flight simulator IIrAtari loose
Flying AcetAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Food fight (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Football fortunestCDSlargeboxed
Football managertAddictivelargeboxed
Football managertAddictivesmallboxed
Football manager c87tAddictivesmallboxed
Footballer of the yeartKixxsmallboxed
Footballer of the yeartGremlinsmallboxed
Forbidden forresttTop tensmallboxed
Forbidden forresttUS Goldsmallboxed
Forms (APX)tAtari loose
Forth turtle graphics plus (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Fort ApocalypsedSynsoftlargeboxed
Fort ApocalypsetSynsoftsmallboxed
Fort ApocalypsedSynapse disk+man
Four great games 1tTynesoftsmallboxed
Four great games 2tTynesoftsmallboxed
Four great games 3tTynesoftsmallboxed
Four great games 3dTynesoft loose
Four star compilation 1tRed ratsmallboxed
Four star compilation 2tRed ratsmallboxed
Four star compilation 2 (disk 1)dRed rat loose
Freaky factorytRed ratsmallboxed
FreddANG Softwarelargeboxed
Frenzy Flip FloptMillikenlargeboxed
FroggerrParker brotherssmallloose
Frogger (The official)tSierravisionlargeboxed
Fruit machine (arcade)tZeppelinsmallboxed
Fruit machine (arcade)dKE softsmallboxed
Fruit machine simulatortCode Masterssmallboxed
Fun forth (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Fun in learningdKeypunchsmallboxed
Fury wrath of taljun cathudAerionloose
Fun with ArtrEpyx loose
Gabi & kuadrykdSpektrasmallboxed
Galactic avengerdCosmilargeboxed
Galactic chasetSpectrum Computerslargeboxed
Galactic EmpiretPrism Leisuresmallboxed
Galactic TradertPrism Leisuresmallboxed
GalgjetAtari BNLlargeboxed
Games 20tCymballargeboxed
Gateway to ApshairEpyxlargeboxed
Gato (XE)rAtarismallboxed
GauntlettUs goldsmallboxed
Gauntlet Deeper DungeonstUs goldsmallboxed
Geografia PolskitMiragesmallboxed
GhostbusterstActivision UKlargeboxed
GhostchasertUS Goldlargeboxed
Ghost EncounterstJV Softwarelargeboxed
Glaggs it!dPower per postlargeboxed
Gloup / FlechestAtari Francelargeboxed
Gold hunterdLK avalonsmallboxed
Gold huntertLK avalonsmallboxed
GoldgräbertEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Golf / BarretAtari Francelargeboxed
Golf / Bowling (Usersoft)tAtari GERsmallboxed
Golf Classic / ConcentrationtUsersoftsmallboxed
GomokutArtsci loose
Grand PrixtLindasoftsmallboxed
Graph ittAtarilargeboxed
Graphic generatordDatasoftlargeboxed
Greatest hits 1tDatabytesmallboxed
Green BerettImaginelargeboxed
Green BerettHit Squadsmallboxed
Gridrunner (82)tLlamasoftsmallboxed
Gridrunner (83)tLlamasoftsmallboxed
GuarddSonix loose
Guerriero LasertLindasoftsmallboxed
Gulf StrikedAvalon Hill loose
Gulp !! / Arrow GraphicstMillikenlargeboxed
Gun Fight / SeawolfdEpyx loose
Gun lawtMastertronicsmallboxed
Guns of fort defiancetAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Hack picture 2dANG Softwaresmallboxed
HackertActivision UKsmallboxed
HackerdActivision UKlargeboxed
Halftime Battlin’ BandsrCBS Softwarelargeboxed
Hans KlossdLK avalonsmallboxed
Hans Kloss (different disk-label)dLK avalon loose
Hans KlosstLK avalonsmallboxed
Happy set 4dSecret Gameslargeboxed
Happy set 5dSecret Gameslargeboxed
Hard Hat MacktAriola Softsmallboxed
HardballdUS goldlargeboxed
HardballtUS Goldlargeboxed
Hardballd missingAccoladelargeboxed
Hardball (XE)rAtarismallboxed
HawkquestdMD softwarelargeboxed
Head over heelstHit Squadsmallboxed
HeartachetAtari UKsmallboxed
Henry’s housetMastertronicsmallboxed
HerbertdAMC verlaglargeboxed
Herbert (budget rerelease)dAMC verlaglargeboxed
Herbert IIdAMC verlaglargeboxed
Hickory dickory dock & baa,baa black sheep (pal)tThorn EMIlargeboxed
Hickory dickory dock & baa,baa black sheep (ntsc)tThorn EMIlargeboxed
Home financial management NTSCtThorn EMIlargeboxed
HomepakdAriola softlargeboxed
Home studiodANG Softwarelargeboxed
HoroscoopdAMJ Soft loose
HoteldAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
HoteltAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
House of UshertMidaslargeboxed
House of UshertAnirogsmallboxed
House of UshertKingsoft loose
Hover bovvertAackosoftsmallboxed
Hover bovvertLlamasoftsmallboxed
Hover bovvertMastertronicsmallboxed
HuishoudboekdAtari BNLlargeboxed
Humanoid (diff. packaging)dSonixsmallboxed
Humpty Dumpty / Jack & JilltThorn EMIlargeboxed
Hydraulik & snowballdLK avalonsmallboxed
Hydraulik & snowballtLK avalonsmallboxed
HyperblasttEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Hypnotic landrLindasoft loose
Il papiro della pacedLindasoftsmallboxed
Imagic 1-2-3dImagic loose
ImaginedLK avalonsmallboxed
InfodiskettedPowersoft loose
Initation a la programmation en basic no 1tAtari Francelargeboxed
Initation a la programmation en basic no 2tAtari Francelargeboxed
Initation a la programmation en basic no 3tAtari Francelargeboxed
Insectivores / ConcentrationtAtari Francelargeboxed
Inside (ENG)dANG Softwaresmallboxed
Inside (POL)dSpektrasmallboxed
Insomnia Rev. 1.1 APXd+manAtari loose
In-Store Demonstration ProgramrAtari loose
Intel Outside demo number XIIIdOur 5oft loose
International karatedSystem 3largeboxed
International karatetSystem 3smallboxed
Into the eagles nest (XE)rAtarismallboxed
IQ mastertASFsmallboxed
JaffardMirage loose
James Bond 007rParker Brothers loose
Java JimtSparklerssmallboxed
Java JimtCreative Sparkssmallboxed
JawbreakerdOnline systemslargeboxed
Jawbreaker IItSierravisionlargeboxed
Jawbreaker/MousekattackdKE softlargeboxed
Jet boot jacktEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Jet boot jacktByte Backsmallboxed
Jewels of darknesstRainbirdlargeboxed
JinksdAMC Verlaglargeboxed
Jocky Wilson darts challengetZeppelinsmallboxed
Jocky Wilson darts compendiumdANG Softwaresmallboxed
Jocky Wilson darts compendiumtZeppelinsmallboxed
Joe and the nuclear cavernstSTV Softwaresmallboxed
Joe BladetPlayerssmallboxed
Joe blade IItPlayerssmallboxed
Johnny the ghostdPowersoftlargeboxed
Johnny the ghostdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Journey to the planetstJV Softwarelargeboxed
Joust (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Joust (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Joystick sketchpadtAtari loose
Juggles’ HousetAtarilargeboxed
Juggles’ HousedAtari loose
Juggles’ RainbowtAtarilargeboxed
Jumbo jet pilotrThorn EMIlargeboxed
Jump jettAnirogsmallboxed
Jump jet (German packaging)tAniroglargeboxed
Jump jet (German packaging)dAniroglargeboxed
Jumping JackdASFsmallboxed
JumpertEuropa computer club loose
Jumpman JuniorrEpyx loose
Jungle hunt (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Jungle hunt (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Juno firstdDatasoftlargeboxed
Jurassic park IIdSikor softsmallboxed
K-star patrolrCBS Softwarelargeboxed
Kampania WrezesniowatLK avalonsmallboxed
Kampf dem UngeziefertQuellesmallboxed
KarrieredAtari GERlargeboxed
Kartei-KartendAtari GERlargeboxed
KE basedKE softlargeboxed
KE commanderdKE softlargeboxed
KE soft demodisks 1,2,3dKE soft loose
KE soft leveldiskdKE softlargeboxed
Kennedy ApproachtUS Goldlargeboxed
Kennedy Approachd missingMicroproselargeboxed
Kennedy ApproachtMicroproselargeboxed
Kennedy ApproachtMicroprose UKlargeboxed
Kenny Dalglish soccertCognitolargeboxed
Kenny Dalglish soccertZeppelinsmallboxed
Kenny Dalglish soccerdZeppelinsmallboxed
KernawdLK avalonsmallboxed
KetchupdSikor softsmallboxed
KeyaccountdAmazon Systemslargeboxed
Kick offtAncolargeboxed
Kick offtByte Backsmallboxed
KickbackrThorn EMIsmallboxed
Kikstart (English inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
Kikstart (multi langual inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
Kikstart (multi inlay/diff. label)tMastertronicsmallboxed
King of the ringtGremlinsmallboxed
Kingsize 50tRobteklargeboxed
Kingsize 50 (jewelcase rerelease)tRobteksmallboxed
Kissin’KousinstEnglish softwaresmallboxed
KlatwadLK Avalonsmallboxed
KlatwatLK Avalonsmallboxed
Kleks TrzmieldMiragelargeboxed
Knight orcdRainbirdlargeboxed
Knight orctRainbirdlargeboxed
Knockout boxingtMidaslargeboxed
Knockout boxingtMidassmallboxed
KoninkrijktAtari BNLlargeboxed
Koronis RiftdActivision UK loose
K-razy Shoot-outrCBS Softwareloose
Krazy KoptertEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Kurs FizykidLK avalonsmallboxed
Kurs FizykitLK avalonsmallboxed
Labeldesigner IIdAMJ softlargeboxed
Las Vegas casinodANG Softwaresmallboxed
Las Vegas casinotZeppelinsmallboxed
Laser hawkdRed ratlargeboxed
Laser hawktRed ratsmallboxed
Laser hawktByte Backsmallboxed
Laser mazedKE softlargeboxed
Lasermania & Robbo constructordLK avalonsmallboxed
Lasermania & Robbo constructor (diff. packaging)dLK avalonsmallboxed
Lasermania & Robbo constructortLK avalonsmallboxed
La quête du graaltAtari Francelargeboxed
LDS C emulatordUlf Petersenlargeboxed
Leader boarddUS goldlargeboxed
LeaderboardtUs goldsmallboxed
Leaderboard tournamenttUs goldsmallboxed
League ChallengetAtlantissmallboxed
LeapertBug Bytesmallboxed
Leer in basic programmerentWolterslargeboxed
Les bonbons / ChaostAtari Francelargeboxed
Lethal weapondSecret gamessmallboxed
Liga polskadSikor softsmallboxed
Linking logicrFisher-price loose
Little devildRed ratlargeboxed
Little deviltRed ratlargeboxed
Little deviltByte Backsmallboxed
LizarddTiger developments disk+man
Lode RunnerdBroderbundlargeboxed
Lode Runner (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Logic levelsrFisher-pricelargeboxed
Lords of KarmatAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Lords of KarmadAvalon Hill loose
Lorien’s tombdLK avalonsmallboxed
Los Angeles swat / PantherdEntertainment USA USlargeboxed
Los Angeles swat (English inlay)tEntertainment USAsmallboxed
Los Angeles swat (multi langual inlay)tEntertainment USAsmallboxed
Lunar LandingtPrism Leisurelargeboxed
Mac/65 version 1.02rOSS loose
Mac/65rPolish bootleg loose
Mac/65 ToolkitdFine Tooned Engineeringlargeboxed
Machine code tutortAackosoftlargeboxed
Macro assemblerdAtarilargeboxed
Macro assembler (German release)dAtari GERlargeboxed
Mad JaxtByte Backsmallboxed
Magia krystaludASFsmallboxed
Magia krystalutASFsmallboxed
Magic DimensiondASFsmallboxed
Magic of wordsdSikor softsmallboxed
Magic WindowtQuicksilvasmallboxed
Mailing ListtAtarilargeboxed
Major BronxdLK avalonsmallboxed
Major BronxtLK avalonsmallboxed
Mantis (APX)d+manAtari loose
Mario bros (XE)rAtarismallboxed
MasicdWerner Rätzlargeboxed
Mask of the sundBroderbundlargeboxed
Master chesstMastertronicsmallboxed
Master diskette 3 (DOS 3)dAtarilargeboxed
Master diskette II 810/1050dAtari loose
Master games platform perfectiontUS goldlargeboxed
Master games shoot ’em upstUS goldlargeboxed
Master headdSonixsmallboxed
Math encounterrHSU softwarelargeboxed
Mathematics ‘o’ leveltTynesoftsmallboxed
Mathematic / Tac-toetAtari Francelargeboxed
Matta BlattatSilverbirdsmallboxed
Max/magic worlddSikor softsmallboxed
Maxwell’s Demons/Memory ManiadGentrylargeboxed
Maze of adgagondAgda grouplargeboxed
Md8 files 1dFM softwaresmallboxed
Md8 files 2dFM softwaresmallboxed
Md8 files 3dFM softwaresmallboxed
MediatortEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Megafont II+dXLEntlargeboxed
Megafont II+ (diff. Packaging)dXLEntlargeboxed
Meltdown at MegalopolistCosmilargeboxed
Memory manorrFisher-price loose
Mercenary (German version)tNovagensmallboxed
Mercenary (c)91tNovagensmallboxed
Mercenary compendiumdNovagensmallboxed
Mercenary compendiumdNovagenlargeboxed
Mercenary The Second CitytNovagensmallboxed
Mickey in the great outdoorsdDisney softwarelargeboxed
Mickey in the great outdoorstDisney softwarelargeboxed
Micro rythmtFirebirdsmallboxed
MicromandASF smallboxed
Micromod TurbobasedMicromiserlargeboxed
Microsoft basicdAtarilargeboxed
Microsoft basic cross reference (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Microsoft basic IIrAtarilargeboxed
MicroxdLK avalonsmallboxed
MicroxtLK avalonsmallboxed
Midway CampaigntAvalon Hill loose
Miecze valdgiratASFsmallboxed
Miecze valdgiradTiger developments loose
Miecze Valdgira IIdASFloose
Miecze Valdgira IItASFlargeboxed
Mig alley acedMicroproselargeboxed
Mig alley acetUS Goldlargeboxed
Mike’s Slotmachine IIdAMC Verlagsmallboxed
Mike’s Slotmachine IItAMC Verlagsmallboxed
Milk racetMastertronicsmallboxed
Millipede (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Millipede (XL) rereleaserAtariloose
Miner 2049rBig Fivesmallboxed
MinesdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Mines (diff. Packaging)dANG Softwarelargeboxed
Mini Office IIdDatabase softwarelargeboxed
Mini Office II (diff. packaging)dDatabase softwarelargeboxed
Mini Office IIdPage 6largeboxed
Mirax ForcedANG Softwaresmallboxed
Mirax forcetTynesoftsmallboxed
Mirax forcedTynesoftsmallboxed
Mirax forcetZeppelinsmallboxed
Misja (Mission shark) & FredtLK avalonsmallboxed
Missile command (400/800)rAtarilargeboxed
Missing one droidtBug bytesmallboxed
Mission sharktZeppelinsmallboxed
Mission sharkdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Mission zircondKE softlargeboxed
Mission zircondTiger developments loose
Mission: AsteroiddOnline systemslargeboxed
Molecule mantMastertronicsmallboxed
Monkey magictAlternativesmallboxed
Monkey magictMicro Designsmallboxed
Monster SmashtAackosoftsmallboxed
Moon patrolrAtarismallboxed
MontezumatLaser Loadsmallboxed
Montezuma’s RevengetDatabytesmallboxed
Mordon’s questtAackosoftsmallboxed
Mordon’s questtMelbourne Housesmallboxed
Mortgage and Loan AnalysistAtarilargeboxed
Moscow 1993dSikor softsmallboxed
Mountain bike racertZeppelin softwaresmallboxed
Mountain bike racerdANG Softwaresmallboxed
Mountain ShoottPrism Leisurelargeboxed
Movie makerdAriolasoftsmallboxed
Movie makerdElectronic Artslargeboxed
Mr. CoolrSierra on-line loose
Mr. digtMicrodealsmallboxed
Mr. digtDixons packsmallboxed
Mr. DotDatasoftsmallboxed
Mr. robot and his robot factorydDatabytelargeboxed
Mr. robot and his robot factorytDatabytesmallboxed
MS copy XF551 versiondKlaus Peterslargeboxed
MS copy 1050 versiondCompy Shop loose
Ms. Pacman (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Muff druttdASFsmallboxed
MuledAriola soft loose
MuletAriola soft loose
Music composerrAtarilargeboxed
Music construction setdAriola softsmallboxed
Music construction setdElectronic artslargeboxed
Music majortESI loose
Music painterdAtarilargeboxed
My first alphabetdAtari loose
Mystery Fun HousetAdventure International UKsmallboxed
Mystery Fun HousetAdventure Internationalloose
Napoleon in RussiadDatasoftlargeboxed
Nato commandertMicroprosesmallboxed
Nato commanderdUS Gold loose
NautilusdSynapse loose
Necromancer (XE)rAtarismallboxed
NecromancerdSynapse disk+man
Neptune’s DaughtertEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
NerondLK avalonsmallboxed
NerontLK avalonsmallboxed
NeuroiddSikor softsmallboxed
New Crown / DominotUsersoftsmallboxed
New york citytAmericanasmallboxed
New york citydAmericanalargeboxed
NexusdSikor softsmallboxed
Nightmare MazetBlue Ribbonsmallboxed
NightmarestByte Backsmallboxed
Nightraiders & Ardy the ardvarktDatabytesmallboxed
Ninja (English inlay)tEntertainment USAsmallboxed
Ninja (English inlay + hinttEntertainment USAsmallboxed
Ninja (multi langual inlay)tEntertainment USAsmallboxed
Ninja commandodANG Softwaresmallboxed
Ninja commandotZeppelinsmallboxed
Ninja mastertFirebirdsmallboxed
Nuclear nicktAmericanasmallboxed
NucleustAtari UKsmallboxed
Null Grad NorddKE softlargeboxed
Numtris (different packaging)dPowersoftsmallboxed
Nursery RhymestThorn EMIlargeboxed
OblitroiddKE softlargeboxed
Odsiecz/Follow me/Klocki/Fustynna burzatTajemnice Atarismallboxed
Oil’s welltAackosoftlargeboxed
Ollie’s folliestAmericanasmallboxed
Olympia LexikondAtari GERlargeboxed
Olympic skiertAmericanasmallboxed
On cuetM.A.D.smallboxed
One man and his droid (English inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
One man and his droid (English/German inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
One on onetAriola softsmallboxed
One on onedAriola softsmallboxed
One on onedElectronic Artslargeboxed
One on one (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Operation blooddANG Softwarelargeboxed
Operation blooddTop Magazinlargeboxed
Operation blooddMiragesmallboxed
Operation bloodtMiragesmallboxed
Operation blood for the lightgundANG Softwarelargeboxed
Operazione TuonotLindasoftsmallboxed
Orc attackrCreative sparkssmallboxed
O’reilly’s minetDatasoftsmallboxed
Orto puzzledSikor softsmallboxed
Othello 3DtLindasoftsmallboxed
Owari & Bull and cowtThorn EMIlargeboxed
Pac-man (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Pac-mantUS Goldsmallboxed
Pac-man (400/800)rAtarilargeboxed
Pacific Coast HighwaytDatasoftlargeboxed
Panic ExpresstByte backsmallboxed
PanthertLK avalonsmallboxed
PanthertEntertainment USAsmallboxed
Panzer grenadierdSSIlargeboxed
PaperclipdAriola softlargeboxed
Parsec XLdSecret Gameslargeboxed
PartywaredHi Tec Expressionssmallboxed
Peanut Butter PanicrCBS Softwarelargeboxed
Pengo (XL)rAtarismallboxed
PengontDixons packsmallboxed
Periscope uptAtlantissmallboxed
Phantastic Journey IdPowersoftlargeboxed
PhantomdKE softsmallboxed
Picnic ParanoiarSynapselargeboxed
Picnic ParanoiadSynapse disk+man
PiekielkodLK avalonsmallboxed
Pilarski pokerdSikor softsmallboxed
Pinball Construction SetdAriolasoftlargeboxed
Pirates of the barbary coastdCascadesmallboxed
Pitfall IItActivisionlargeboxed
Pitstop IItRushwaresmallboxed
Planet attacktByte Backsmallboxed
Planet MinerstAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Player piano (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Players dream 1dKE softlargeboxed
Players dream 2dKE softlargeboxed
PogomantComputer Magiclargeboxed
Pokey PlayerdAlliance loose
Polar pierredDatabytelargeboxed
Polar pierretDatabytesmallboxed
Pole positiontUS Goldsmallboxed
Pole positiontAtari UKsmallboxed
Pole position (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Pole position (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Pondering about Max’sdChange in heatsmallboxed
PooltThorn EMIlargeboxed
PooldiskcdB&E Schreurssmallboxed
Pooldisk toocdB&E Schreurssmallboxed
PopeyerParker brotherslargeboxed
Pothole petetAtlantissmallboxed
PreppietAdventure internationallargeboxed
Presidents of the United States (APX)tAtari loose
Prince of PersiadHomebrewlargeboxed
Prince of PersiarHomebrewlargeboxed
PrintpowerdHi tech expressionslargeboxed
PrintstardAMC verlagsmallboxed
Printstar IIdAMC verlaglargeboxed
Printstar II 24dAMC verlagsmallboxed
Pro GolftAtlantissmallboxed
Pro mountain bike simulatortAlternative softwaresmallboxed
Problem JasiadMiragesmallboxed
Problem JasiatMiragesmallboxed
Programmeren hoe doe je dat 1tAtari BNLlargeboxed
Programmeren hoe doe je dat 2tAtari BNLlargeboxed
Programmeren hoe doe je dat 3tAtari BNLlargeboxed
Programmieren leicht gemachttAtari GERlargeboxed
Programmi per Atari 130XEtGruppo Jacksonsmallboxed
ProtectordSynapse loose
Protector (blister)tMastertronicsmallboxed
Pungoland (+ Construction-Kit)dSecret Gameslargeboxed
PyramidosdAMC Verlaglargeboxed
Q-bertrParker brotherssmallboxed
QixrAtari loose
Quartet GoldtRed Ratsmallboxed
Quarxon (APX)tAtari loose
Quest for eternitytBug bytesmallboxed
Quest for the maltese chickendFutureware loose
Questprobe 1: The HulktAmericanasmallboxed
Questprobe 1: The HulkdGreen Valleysmallboxed
Questprobe 2: SpidermantAmericanasmallboxed
Questprobe 2: SpidermandAdventure International loose
Quick assemblertLK avalonsmallboxed
Racing Destruction SetdAriolasoftlargeboxed
Racing Destruction SetdElectronic Artslargeboxed
Raid over MoscowtUS Goldlargeboxed
Rally speedwayrAdventure International loose
Rambit V1tRambit loose
RampagedActivision UKsmallboxed
RampagetActivision UKsmallboxed
Realsports football (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Realsports football (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Realm of ImpossibilitydAriolasoftsmallboxed
Rear guarddAdventure Internationallargeboxed
Red maxtCodemasterssmallboxed
Red moontLevel 9smallboxed
Rescue on fractalusdActivision UKlargeboxed
Rescue on fractalus! (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Revenge IItM.A.D.smallboxed
Reverse / Missile ActiondMiragesmallboxed
Reversi II (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Richard Petty’s TalladegadCosmilargeboxed
Richard Petty’s RennzirkustAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
Ridiculous realityrMatosimismallboxed
River raidtActivision UKsmallboxed
River raidrActivisionloose
River raidtUnknown Italiansmallboxed
River rallytRed ratsmallboxed
River rescuetAlternativesmallboxed
River rescuetSparklerssmallboxed
River rescuerThorn EMIlargeboxed
River rescuetCreative Sparkssmallboxed
Robal DuchdMiragesmallboxed
RobbodANG Softwarelargeboxed
RobbodLK avalonsmallboxed
RobbotLK avalonsmallboxed
RobomashdTWAUG loose
Robot knightstByte Backsmallboxed
Robotron:2084 (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Rocket Repair MantRed Ratsmallboxed
Rockford & crystal raidertM.A.D.smallboxed
Roman empiretLothoriensmallboxed
Roman empiretAackosoftsmallboxed
Rotor IIrDouble Flargeboxed
Rosen’s brigadetGentrylargeboxed
Roulette simulatortByte Backsmallboxed
RPN Calculator simulator (APX)tAtarilargeboxed
RucudLK avalonsmallboxed
Ruff and reddy in the space adventuretHi tecsmallboxed
Salmon Run (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Salmon Run (APX)tAtari loose
Sammy the sea serpenttPDIlargeboxed
Samurai’s gamedPlussmallboxed
Samurai’s gametPlussmallboxed
SaperdKE softlargeboxed
SaperdLK avalonsmallboxed
SapertLK avalonsmallboxed
Saper constructordANG Softwarelargeboxed
Sargon IIIdLogotron Ltd.largeboxed
Savage Island part IItAdventure Internationalloose
Savage ponddStarcadesmallboxed
Savage pondtBug bytesmallboxed
Schatz-SuchetEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Screaming wingstByte Backsmallboxed
Screaming wingsdRed ratlargeboxed
Screendump IIdKlaus Peters loose
Screendump utility (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
ScrewballtBlue Ribbonsmallboxed
Sea DragondSynapse disk+man
Sea FighterdSecret gamessmallboxed
See saw scrambletRomiksmallboxed
SeeschlachttEuropa Computer Clubsmallboxed
Settore SigmatLindasoftsmallboxed
Sexy sixdSikor softsmallboxed
Sexy six data disk 1dSikor softsmallboxed
Sexy six data disk 2dSikor softsmallboxed
Sexy six data disk 3dSikor softsmallboxed
SexversidANG Softwaresmallboxed
ShatablasttLBD Softwaresmallboxed
ShitdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Shogun MasterdRalf Davidlargeboxed
Shoot ’em uptBudgiesmallboxed
Shoot MemorytLindasoftsmallboxed
SidewinderdANG Softwaresmallboxed
Sidewinder IItMastertronicsmallboxed
Silent butlerdAtarilargeboxed
Silent servicedUS Goldlargeboxed
Silent service c’85dMicroproselargeboxed
Silent service c’86dMicroproselargeboxed
Silent service c’86tMicroproselargeboxed
Silicia Shop 100 Club ProgramstSilicia Shoplargeboxed
Silicon dreamsdRainbirdlargeboxed
Silicon dreamstRainbirdlargeboxed
Silicon warriortRushwaresmallboxed
Simple mindsdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Ski-WeltcupdAriolasoft GER loose
Sling shottAtari UKsmallboxed
SlotmachinetAriolasoft GERlargeboxed
Smack!tFuture designsmallboxed
Smart ArttPF Softwaresmallboxed
Smash hits vol. 1dAackosoftlargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 1dEnglish software loose
Smash hits vol. 1tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Smash hits vol. 2tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Smash hits vol. 3tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Smash hits vol. 3dEnglish softwaresmallboxed
Smash hits vol. 4dEnglish software loose
Smash hits vol. 4tEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 5dEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 5tEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 6dEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 6tEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 7dEnglish softwarelargeboxed
Smash hits vol. 7tEnglish softwaresmallboxed
SmusdLK avalonsmallboxed
SnokietUS Goldsmallboxed
Snooker & billiardstThorn EMIlargeboxed
SoccerrThorn EMIlargeboxed
Soccer managerdZeppelinsmallboxed
Software Pack (Pay off/paint/Home Filing)dAtari UKsmallboxed
Solar stardMicrodraftlargeboxed
Solitaire (APX)tAtari loose
Solo flightdUS Goldlargeboxed
Solo flight 2nd editiondUS Goldlargeboxed
SOS SaturndDomain loose
Sound Monitor V1.9dBenjy-Soft loose
SoundtrackerdANG Software loose
Source code for Eastern Front APXdAtarilargeboxed
SourcgendWerner Rätzlargeboxed
Space gunnertRed ratsmallboxed
Space HerotLindasoftsmallboxed
Space invaders (400/800)rAtarilargeboxed
Space invaders (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
Space invaders (400/800)tAtarismallboxed
Space LobsterstByte Backsmallboxed
Space LobsterstRed ratsmallboxed
Space ridertHi tecsmallboxed
Space shuttletActivisionlargeboxed
Space shuttletFirebirdsmallboxed
Space shuttletMicrodeallargeboxed
Space station zulutAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Space warstByte Backsmallboxed
Special deliverytSparklerssmallboxed
Special deliverytDixons packsmallboxed
Special forcesdMiragesmallboxed
Speed acedANG Softwaresmallboxed
Speed acetZeppelinsmallboxed
Speed ace (different inlay)tZeppelinsmallboxed
Speed acedMicro Discount loose
Speed foxtASFsmallboxed
Speed hawktAtari UKsmallboxed
Speed RuntRed ratlargeboxed
Speed RuntByte Backsmallboxed
Speed zonetMastertronicsmallboxed
Spellbound (English inlay)tM.A.D.smallboxed
Spellbound (multi lang. inlay)tM.A.D.smallboxed
Spider/Snap II PlusdSecret Gameslargeboxed
Spiky haroldtFirebirdsmallboxed
SpindizzytElectric dreamssmallboxed
Spitfire 40dMirrorsoftsmallboxed
Spitfire 40tMirrorsoftlargeboxed
Spitfire acetUS Goldsmallboxed
Splash / TetrisdUlf Petersenlargeboxed
Spooky CastletAtlantissmallboxed
Sport LexikondAtari GERlargeboxed
Sports spectaculardKeypunchsmallboxed
Spot the balltCreative Sparkslargeboxed
SprongdRed rat loose
SprongtRed ratsmallboxed
Spy HuntertUS Goldsmallboxed
Spy vs. SpydFirst starlargeboxed
Spy vs. SpytBeyondlargeboxed
Spy vs. SpytHi tecsmallboxed
Spy vs. SpytAackosoftlargeboxed
Spy vs. Spy 2tDatabytelargeboxed
Spy vs. Spy 2dDatabytelargeboxed
Spy vs. Spy 2tHi tecsmallboxed
Spy vs. Spy 3tHi tecsmallboxed
Spy vs. Spy 3tDatabytelargeboxed
Spy vs. Spy TrilogytDatabytelargeboxed
Spy’s Demise / Spy Strikes BacktElectric dreams loose
Spy’s Demise / Spy Strikes BackdElectric dreams loose
SpymasterdLK avalonsmallboxed
S.S. AchillesdBeyondsmallboxed
Stack uptLK avalonsmallboxed
Stack uptZeppelinsmallboxed
Stack updKE softsmallboxed
Star FlitetPrism Leisurelargeboxed
Star raiderrAtari loose
Star raidersrAtarilargeboxed
Star raidersrAtarismallboxed
Star raiderstAtari UKsmallboxed
Star raiders (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
Star raiders IIdAtarilargeboxed
Star raiders II (XE)rAtarismallboxed
Star trekrSega loose
Star warstDomarksmallboxed
StarbladetElectric Dreamslargeboxed
Starbase fighterdGentrylargeboxed
Starkstrom SeesterntQuellesmallboxed
StarquakedBubble bussmallboxed
StarquaketBubble bussmallboxed
States and CapitalstAtarilargeboxed
Statistics 1tAtarilargeboxed
Steeple JacktEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Steve davis snookerdBlue ribbonsmallboxed
Steve davis snookertBlue ribbonsmallboxed
Steve davis snookertCDS Softwaresmallboxed
Stock AnalysisdAtarilargeboxed
StreetsdLK avalonsmallboxed
StrippokertUS Goldsmallboxed
Submarine commanderrThorn EMIlargeboxed
Submarine commandertAackosoftlargeboxed
Submarine commandertSparklerssmallboxed
Submarine commandertCreative Sparkssmallboxed
Submon V2.2DdTop Magazin loose
Summer gamesdEpyxlargeboxed
Summer gamesdUS Goldlargeboxed
Sun stardCRLlargeboxed
Sun startCRLlargeboxed
Sun startAriolasoftlargeboxed
Sunday GolftDixons packsmallboxed
Super breakout (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
Super cobrarParker Brotherslargeboxed
Super cubes and sliptThorn EMIlargeboxed
Super cubes and tilttThorn EMIlargeboxed
Super FortunadMiragesmallboxed
Super FortunatMiragesmallboxed
Super GärtnertEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Super hueytUS Goldlargeboxed
Super snaketEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Super ZaxxontUS Goldlargeboxed
Superdos v2.9dDecos loose
SupermantPrism Leisure leisuresmallboxed
SuperskidAMC verlagsmallloose
Supersort rev.3 (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
Syn boga wiatrudLK avalonsmallboxed
Synchrond missingSynapselargeboxed
System 8tBlue ribbonsmallboxed
T34 the battledANG Softwaresmallboxed
Table FootballtBudgiesmallboxed
TacticdKE Softsmallboxed
TagalondMD softwaresmallboxed
Tales of dragons and cavemendAMC Verlagsmallboxed
TalladegatTop Ten Hitssmallboxed
Tamibi (compilation)dAMC Verlaglargeboxed
Tank commandertAackosoftlargeboxed
Tank commandertSparklerssmallboxed
Tank commandertCreative Sparkssmallboxed
TankticstAvalon Hilllargeboxed
Tank vs TankdMiragesmallboxed
TappertUs goldsmallboxed
TapperdUs goldlargeboxed
Tari-talkdPage 6 softwarelargeboxed
Tarkus and the crystal of feardTiger developments loose
Tarkus II + The CitadeldTiger developments loose
Teacher killerdSikor softsmallboxed
Tecno ninjadKE softlargeboxed
TekblastdSikor softsmallboxed
Telefoon modem softwaredAtinlargeboxed
Telelink IrAtari loose
Telly turtletCarrousellargeboxed
Temple of Apshai (83)tEpyxlargeboxed
Temple of Apshai (83)dEpyx loose
Ten little indianstDixons packsmallboxed
Tennis (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
Tennis (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Text Wizard 1.3dDatasoftlargeboxed
The alchemistdSoftscanlargeboxed
The arcade machinedBroderbundloose
The atari basic compilerdDatasoftlargeboxed
The backup master 2.0dDuplicatingloose
The basic tutor ItAtarilargeboxed
The black box hd utilitiesdCSSloose
The bookkeeperdAtarilargeboxed
The brundlesdKE softlargeboxed
The brundles editordKE softlargeboxed
The comet gametFirebirdsmallboxed
The convictsdDomainsmallboxed
The convictstDomainsmallboxed
The countdAdventure internationallargeboxed
The counttAdventure internationalloose
The CrackertSupersoftsmallboxed
The crypts of PlumboustCosmi loose
The Curse (Klatwa English)dLK avalonloose
The dallas questdDatasoft loose
The designer’s pencilrActivisionsmallboxed
The disassemblerdTop Magazin loose
The E FactortCosmilargeboxed
The eidolondActivision UKlargeboxed
The extirpatortSilverbirdsmallboxed
The fall of RometAackosoftsmallboxed
The first XLEnt wordprocessordXLEntlargeboxed
The golden batontAdventure internationalsmallboxed
The gooniesdUS Goldlargeboxed
The gooniestUS Goldsmallboxed
The goonies (jewelcase German)tUS Goldsmallboxed
The great American road racedActivision UKlargeboxed
The great American road racetActivision UKsmallboxed
The great American road racetSilverbirdsmallboxed
The greatest hitsdFM softwaresmallboxed
The guild of thievesdRainbirdlargeboxed
The halle projectdTOPcrewsmallboxed
The halle project ’94dTOPcrewsmallboxed
The home filing manager 400/800dAtarilargeboxed
The home filing manager XLdAtarilargeboxed
The jar game / ChaostMillikenlargeboxed
The jet actiondLK avalonsmallboxed
The last guardiandMD softwaresmallboxed
The last guardiantLK avalonsmallboxed
The last v8tM.A.D.smallboxed
The living daylightsdANG Softwaresmallboxed
The living daylightstDomarksmallboxed
The living daylightstZeppelinsmallboxed
The lone raidertAtarisoft UKsmallboxed
The lone raidertAtari UKlargeboxed
The Orb of ZarramiertFuturewaresmallboxed
The Pay OfftBug Bytesmallboxed
The Pay OffdAtari UKlargeboxed
The PawndRainbirdlargeboxed
The Pharaoh’s cursedSynapse disk+man
The Picture Thief IIdJomaWare loose
The PrintshopdBroderbund disk+man
The Printshop Graphics Libr. diskdAackosoft loose
The Printshop Graphics Libr. disk 2dBroderbund loose
The Programmer PackdAtarilargeboxed
The sands of EgyptdDatasoft disk+man
The seven cities of golddElectronic artslargeboxed
The shattered alliancedSSIlargeboxed
The tail of Beta LyraetDatabytesmallboxed
The time machinetPaxman Promotionssmallboxed
The ultra copier v2.0dPokeylargeboxed
The Wizard AkyrztDixons packsmallboxed
The Worm in ParadisetLevel 9smallboxed
Theatre EuropetPSSlargeboxed
Theatre Europe (diff. pack.)tPSSlargeboxed
Theatre EuropedPSSlargeboxed
ThinkerdANG Softwarelargeboxed
ThinkerdMirage smallboxed
ThinkertMirage loose
ThinxdANG Softwarelargeboxed
ThresholddOn-Line systems loose
Thunderfox (XE)rAtarismallboxed
ThunderfoxtAtari UKlargeboxed
Tic Tac SnacktLindasoftsmallboxed
Tiger AttacktAtari UKlargeboxed
Time PilotrNew Generationsmallboxed
TKKGtEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
TML drum editordANG Softwaresmallboxed
TML drum editor IIdANG Softwaresmallboxed
TML Zebuland utility diskdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Tobot / BrosdKE Soft loose
TomahawktByte Backsmallboxed
TomahawktDigital Integrationsmallboxed
Topografie EuropatRadarsoftsmallboxed
Top SecretdMiragesmallboxed
Touch typingtAtarilargeboxed
Touchdown FootballdAriola softsmallboxed
Track & field (XL)rAtarismallboxed
Transdisk IV (4.2)dPage 6 Softwarelargeboxed
Transdisk IV (4.0)ddigicomm loose
TransylvaniadPenguin loose
Treasure questtPrism Leisurelargeboxed
Tricky printdCompy shoplargeboxed
Trivial pursuittDomarklargeboxed
Trivial pursuitdDomarklargeboxed
TrixdLK avalonsmallboxed
TrixtLK avalonsmallboxed
Tube baddiesdRichard Gorelargeboxed
TurbodosdKE softlargeboxed
TurbodosdReitershan loose
Turf formtBlue ribbonsmallboxed
Tutti fruttitAdventure internationalsmallboxed
Tutti fruttitQuellesmallboxed
Twilight worldtAtari UKsmallboxed
Twilight world (different covertAtari UKsmallboxed
Typo attack (XL)rAtarilargeboxed
U235dLK avalonsmallboxed
Uczen CzarnoksieznikadLK avalonsmallboxed
Ufos/BlitzschnelltAtari GER loose
Ultima IIdAackosoft loose
Ultima III ExodusdOriginlargeboxed
Ultimate Renumber Utility (APX)tAtari loose
Universal herotMastertronicsmallboxed
Up ‘n downtUS Goldsmallboxed
Up up and awaytBug bytesmallboxed
UpiordLK avalonsmallboxed
Vegas JackpottMastertronicsmallboxed
Vegas Jackpot (price 1.99 on inlay)tMastertronicsmallboxed
VickydLK avalonsmallboxed
Video classicstSilverbirdsmallboxed
Video easel (400/800)rAtarismallboxed
Video Poker / Vegas JackpotdMastertronic USlargeboxed
ViewtermdMiracle Technologies loose
Voice maserdAnirogloose
Voodoo CastledAdventure International USAlargeboxed
Voyager ItAvalon Hilllargeboxed
War coptertByte Backsmallboxed
War coptertRed ratsmallboxed
WargamesdColeco loose
War hawktFirebirdsmallboxed
War in RussiadSSIlargeboxed
WaxworkstAdventure internationalsmallboxed
WaxworkstChannel 8smallboxed
Weekly planner (APX)dAtarilargeboxed
WhirlinurdtUS Goldlargeboxed
WhirlinurddUS Goldlargeboxed
Who dares wins IItAlternative Softwarelargeboxed
WhoopsdANG Softwarelargeboxed
Whoops 2dANG Softwarelargeboxed
Wilder WestentEuropa computer clubsmallboxed
Will Harvey’s Music construction setdElectronic arts loose
Winter eventsdAncosmallboxed
Winter olympiad ’88tTynesoftlargeboxed
Winter olympiad ’88dTynesoftlargeboxed
Winter olympicsdTynesoftsmallboxed
Winter olympicstTynesoftsmallboxed
Winter wallytAlternativesmallboxed
Winter wallytMicro Designsmallboxed
Wladcy CiemnoscidLK avalonsmallboxed
WloczykijdLK avalonsmallboxed
Word OlympicstEnglish Softwaresmallboxed
Word hangertInterceptorsmallboxed
Word racetDon’t Ask loose
Word racedDon’t Asklargeboxed
World Cup ManagerdSTV Softwarelargeboxed
World Cup ManagertSTV Softwaresmallboxed
World SoccerdANG Softwaresmallboxed
World SoccertZeppelinsmallboxed
Wyprawy KupcadMiragesmallboxed
XenophoberVideo61 loose
XL ArtdKlaus Peters loose
XEP80 bootdiskdAtari loose
Yogi bear in the greed mostertHi tecsmallboxed
Yogi’s great escapetHi tecsmallboxed
ZadordKE softlargeboxed
Zap pak 1 (Bubble Trouble & Excelsor)dPlayers loose
Zap pak 2 (Stratosphere & Dizzy Dice)dPlayerssmallboxed
ZebulanddKE softlargeboxed
ZeppelindSynapse disk+man
ZerowarstByte Backsmallboxed
ZeusdLK avalonsmallboxed
Zielpunkt 0 Grad NorddSecret Gameslargeboxed
Zone X (clamshell)tGremlinsmallboxed
Zone XtGremlinsmallboxed
Zong Classics 1: Brain DeaddKe Softsmallboxed
Zong Classics 3: Maze-KrazedKe Softsmallboxed
Zong Classics 4: Fastest MovesdKe Softsmallboxed
Zong Classics 5: X-mas AtmospheresdKe Softsmallboxed
Zork IIIdInfocom loose
ZorrodUs goldlargeboxed
ZorrotUs Goldsmallboxed
Zorro/Heavy MetaltHit Gameslargeboxed
Zybex (alt. cover)tZeppelinsmallboxed
Zybex (stereo)dANG Softwaresmallboxed
ZybexdKE softsmallboxed