Atari 2600

The Atari 2600 is a home video game console released on September 11, 1977 by Atari, Inc. It is credited with popularizing the use of microprocessor-based hardware and ROM cartridges containing game code. The console was originally sold as the Atari VCS, which stood for Video Computer System. Following the release of the Atari 5200 in 1982, the VCS was renamed to the “Atari 2600”, after the unit’s Atari part number, CX2600. The 2600 was typically bundled with two joystick controllers, a conjoined pair of paddle controllers, and a game cartridge, initially Combat, and later Pac-Man.

The CPU was the MOS Technology 6507, a cut-down version of the 6502, running at 1.19 MHz in the 2600. The 6507 included fewer memory address pins—13 instead of 16—and no external interrupts to fit into a smaller 28-pin package. Smaller packaging was, and still is, an important factor in overall system cost, and since memory was very expensive at the time, the 6507’s small 8 kB of maximum external memory space was not going to be used up anyway. In fact, memory was so expensive they could not imagine using up even 4 kB. The console has only 128 bytes of RAM for run-time data that includes the call stack and the state of the game world. There is no frame buffer, as the necessary RAM would have been too expensive.

In 1984, a new version of the 2600 was released. The new redesigned version of the 2600, unofficially referred to as the 2600 Jr., featured a smaller cost-reduced form factor with a modernized Atari 7800-like appearance. The redesigned 2600 was advertised as a budget gaming system (under US$50) that had the ability to run a large collection of classic games.

The Atari 2600 continued to sell in North America and Europe until 1991, and in Asia until the early 1990s. Its final Atari-licensed release was KLAX in 1990. In 2007 the Atari 2600 was inducted into the Toy Hall of Fame, selling 40 million units in its lifetime, and the youngest toy to be inducted. The Atari 2600 was officially retired by Atari Corp. on January 1, 1992.

This is the collection of original hardware and software. None of this collection is for sale. If you have an item which is not on the list, please contact me and maybe we can trade. Donations are welcome too 🙂


2600 4-sw. darth vader PAL atari logo front Dutch stickersAtariboxed
2600 4-sw. darth vader PAL atari logo front German stickersAtariboxed
2600 4-sw. darth vader SECAM (made in Ireland)Atariloose
2600 4-sw. woodgrain PALAtariloose
2600 6-sw. woodgrain PAL light 6erAtariboxed
2600 6-sw. woodgrain PAL (UK) heavy 6erAtariloose
2600 comp. 4-sw. darth vader PAL 128 games built inArabic signsboxed
2600 comp. 4-sw. darth vader PAL 32 games built inGraciaboxed
2600 comp. 4-sw. darth vader PAL 256 games built inUnknownloose
2600 comp. 4-sw. darth vader PAL 510 games built inArabic signsboxed
2600 comp. 4-sw. darth vader PAL 5005 games built inRamboloose
2600jr comp. Tv gameUnknownloose
2600jr comp. 96 games built inFunvisionloose
2600jr comp. 127 games built in (grey console)Atlantisloose
2600jr comp. 128 games built inFunvisionboxed
2600jr comp. 208 games built inScreen Searchloose
2600jr PAL black logo (made in Ireland)Atariloose
2600jr PAL EUR box, 1 cx-24 joystick, c1984 (larger box)Atariboxed
2600jr PAL EUR box arabic sticker, 1 cx-40 joystick c1986Atariboxed
2600jr PAL EUR box, 1 cx-24 joystick, c1987Atariboxed
2600jr PAL EUR box, 1 joypad, c1986Atariboxed
2600jr PAL EUR box, 2 joypads 32 in 1 cart c1987Atariboxed
2600jr PAL EUR box, 2 joypads 32 in 1 cart c1991Atariboxed
2600jr PAL small logo, small rainbowAtariloose
2600+ HDMI (NTSC & PAL)Atari/Plaionboxed
2800 NTSC (Japan)Atariloose
Arcade Joystick 1 firebuttonSTCloose
Arcade Joystick 2 firebuttonsSTCloose
Atari game program caseAtariboxed
Atari modular cartridge libraryAtariboxed
Command control trakballWikoloose
Compumate keyboardUniversumloose
CX10 joystickAtariloose
CX10 Repair set NL/FRAtariboxed
CX13 Joystick extension cable NL/FRAtariboxed
CX20-01 Driving controllersAtariboxed
CX22 TrakballAtariboxed
CX23 Kids controllerAtariloose
CX24 Deluxe joystick (large box)Atariboxed
CX24 Deluxe joystick (small box)Atariboxed
CX30 paddlesAtariloose
CX40 joystickAtariboxed
CX40 joystick XE greyAtariloose
CX40 joystick double packAtariboxed
CX40+ Wireless joystickPlaion/Atariboxed
CX50 Keyboard controllersAtariboxed
CX78 JoypadAtariloose
CX78+ Wireless joypad (7800+ VIP pack)Plaion/Atariboxed
CX80 TrakballAtariboxed
Duplicator SP280Unimexboxed
FootpedalSTD electronicsboxed
Game CopierYokoloose
Gemini video game system (2600 comp.)Segaloose
Joystick repair kit (CX10)Atariboxed
Plastic cartridge caseAtariloose
PluscartW. Stubigloose
Quickshot VIISVIloose
Sears video arcade 4 sw. NTSCSearsloose
Sears video arcade II NTSCSearsloose
Silver carrying case for cartridges with Atari logoAtariloose
Supercharger cartridge moduleStarpathloose
Track & Field controllerAtariboxed
Video game center for 2600Unknownloose
Video Touch PadAtariloose
Wireless joysticksGamemate 2boxed
Wooden suitcase for 2600 and cartridgesUnknownloose
XG-1 LightgunAtariloose


2 Pak special: Challenge & Surfin PALNeckermann/HESblack textloose
2 Pak special: Dolphin & Pigs n wolf PALNeckermann/HESgreen textloose
4 in 1 Jumble Block / Highway / Flight Path / Rodeo Champ PALOtto Versandblue graphicloose
10 in 1 NTSCAtari/Plaionblue textboxed
32 in 1 PALAtarigreen textloose
128 in 1 PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
160 in 1 PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
Action Man: Action Force PALParker BrothersSilver textloose
Adventure PALAtariblack textloose
A game of concentration NTSCAtariblack textboxed
Air patrol PAL (= Air Raiders)Pirate/Taiwangraphicloose
Air sea battle PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Air sea battle NTSCAtariblack textloose
Air Wolf PAL (= Barnstorming)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Amidar PALParker Brotherssilver graphicboxed
Armor Ambush NTSCMattelno facing labelloose
Asterix PALAtarisilver graphicboxed
Asteroids PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Asteroids NTSCAtariblack graphicloose
Asteroids PALAtarired graphicloose
Astroblast NTSCMattelno facing labelloose
Astroblast PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Atlantis PALImagicSilver textloose
Atlantis PALImagicwhite textboxed
Autolaw NTSC (= Out Law)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Backgammon special edition PALAtariblack textboxed
Base attack PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Baseball PALTelegamesSilver textloose
Baseball NTSCINTVSilver textloose
Basic programming PALAtariblack textloose
Basic programming PALAtariblack graphicloose
Basketball PAL (b/w box)Atariblack graphic 87boxed
Basketball PALAtariblack textboxed
Basketball PALAtariblack graphic 78loose
Battlezone NTSCAtariblack graphicboxed
Battlezone PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Battlezone PALAtarired graphicloose
Berzerk PALAtariblack graphicloose
Berzerk Enhanced Edition NTSCAtari/Plaiongreen graphicboxed
Berzerk Enhanced Edition PALAtari/Paiongreen graphicloose
Big bird’s egg catch PALCCWyellow graphicboxed
Billard PAL (= Trick Shot)Quellegrey graphicloose
Blue print SECAMCBSblack graphicloose
Bobby geht nach Hause PALQuellegrey graphicloose
Bobby geht heim PALBitblack textboxed
Bobby is going home PALBitblack graphicloose
Bogey blaster PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Bomb assault PALOnbaseblue graphicloose
Bowling PALAtariblack graphicloose
Boxing PALActivisionpink graphicloose
Boxing PAL (label variation)Activisionpink graphicloose
Brain games PAL (label variation)Atariblack textloose
Brain games PALAtariblack textboxed
Breakout PALAtariblack textboxed
Bridge PALActivisiongreen textloose
Bugs PALData Agesilver graphicboxed
Bump’n’jump PALTelegamessilver textboxed
California Games PALEpyxwhite textboxed
Car race PAL (= Grand Prix)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Carnival PALCBSblack graphicboxed
Carnival SECAMCBSblack graphicloose
Casino PALAtariblack textboxed
Caverns of Mars NTSCPlaion/Atarired graphicboxed
Centipede PAL ’82Atarisilver graphicboxed
Centipede PAL ’88Atarisilver graphicloose
Centipede PALAtarired graphicloose
Championship soccer PALAtariblack textloose
Chess PAL (= Video Chess)Unknowngreen graphicboxed
China syndrome PALSpectravisionsilver textloose
Chopper command PALActivisionorange graphicloose
Circus PAL (= Circus Atari)Unknowngreen textboxed
Circus (8) NTSC (= Circus Atari)Tele-Gamesblack textloose
Circus Atari PALAtariblack textboxed
Circus Atari NTSCAtariblack graphicloose
Code breaker PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Combat NTSCAtariblack textloose
Combat NTSCAtariblack graphicloose
Combat PAL TaiwanAtariblack textboxed
Combat PAL USAAtariblack textboxed
Combat PAL shiny labelAtariblack textloose
Commando PALActivisionwhite textloose
Commando raid NTSCUS Gamesblack graphicloose
Congo bongo NTSCSegagraphicloose
Cookie monster munch PALCCWyellow graphicboxed
Cosmic Ark PALImagicwhite textloose
Cosmic Ark PALImagicsilver textloose
Cosmic creep NTSCTelesysblack graphicloose
Cracker pet PAL (= Crackpots)Pirate//Taiwanblack graphicloose
Criminal pursuit PALTaiwanblue graphicloose
Crossbow PALAtarired graphicboxed
Cross force PALSpectravisionsilver textloose
Crystal Castles PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Dark Chambers PALAtarired graphicboxed
Deadly discs PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Decathlon EAZ-030 PALActivisionblue graphicloose
Decathlon PALActivisionblue graphicloose
Decathlon SECAMActivisionblue graphicloose
Defender NTSCAtariblack graphicloose
Defender PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Defender II PALAtarired graphicloose
Demon attack PALImagicsilver textboxed
Desert falcon NTSCAtarired graphicboxed
Desert falcon PALAtarired graphicloose
Die Ente und der Wolf PAL (= Pooyan)Quellegrey graphicloose
Die hungrigen Frösche PAL (= Frogs and Flies)Quelleblack graphicloose
Die Ratte und die Karotten PAL (= Gopher)Quellegrey graphicloose
Die Springteufel PAL (=Infiltrate)Quellegrey graphicloose
Die Unterwasser-Bestien PAL (= Seaquest)Quellegrey graphicloose
Dig dug NTSCAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Dig dug PALAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Dig dug PALAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Dodge ‘ em PALAtariblack graphicloose
Donkey Kong PALCBSblack graphicloose
Donkey Kong PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
Double Dragon PALActivisionwhite textloose
Double Dunk PALAtarired graphicboxed
Dragonfire PALImagicsilver textloose
Dragster PALActivisionblack textloose
Dragster PALActivisionpurple graphicloose
Dsungel Boy PAL (= Pitfall)Quellegrey graphicloose
E.T. PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Emdurl PAL (= Enduro)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Enduro PALActivisiongreen graphicloose
Enduro PALActivisionwhite textloose
Epyx Games Collection NTSCPlaion/Atarired graphicboxed
Exciting 32 in 1 PALPirateblack graphicloose
Exocet PALSanchoblack graphicloose
F-14 Tomcat PALAbsolutewhite textloose
F-14 Tomcat PAL (label variation)Absolutewhite textboxed
Farmyard fun PALUnknowngreen graphicboxed
Fatal run NTSCAtarired graphicloose
Felix return PAL (= Bobby is going home)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Fire fighter PALImagicwhite textboxed
Fire fighter PALImagicsilver textloose
Fishing derby PALActivisionblue graphicloose
Flag Capture NTSCAtariblack textboxed
Football PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Football PAL (= International Soccer)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
Football realsports soccer NTSCAtarisilver graphicloose
Fox and Pig PAL (= Oink)Unknownblack graphicboxed
Fox and goat PAL (= Nuts)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Freeway PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Frogger PALParker Brotherssilver graphicboxed
Frogger PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Frogs and flies facing labelloose
Frostbite PALActivisionblue graphicloose
Galactic PAL (= Condor Attack)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Galaxian NTSC 83Atarisilver graphicboxed
Galaxian PAL 83Atarisilver graphicboxed
Galaxian NTSC 86Atarisilver graphicloose
Galaxian PAL 87Atarisilver graphicboxed
Galaxian NTSC 88Atarisilver graphicloose
Galaxian PALAtarired graphicloose
Gangster alley PALSpectravisionsilver textloose
Ghostbusters PALActivisionblack graphicloose
Glacier patrol PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Golf PALAtariblack textboxed
Gorf (international) PALCBSblack textboxed
Gorf (UK) PALCBSblack textboxed
Gorf SECAMCBSblack textloose
Gramd priks PAL (= Grand Prix)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Gramd priks PAL (diff. Label) (= Grand Prix) Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Grand Prix PALActivisionpruple graphicloose
Grand Prix PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Grand prize PAL (= Enduro)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Gravitar NTSCAtarired graphicboxed
Gunslinger (16) NTSC (= Out Law)Tele-Gamesblack textloose
Hangman PALAtariblack textloose
Hero PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Hey stop! PAL (= Keystone Kapers)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Human Cannonball NTSCAtariblack textloose
Ice hockey PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Ice hockey PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Ice hockey NTSCActivisionblue graphicloose
Indy 500 PALAtariblack graphicloose
Indy 500 PALAtariblack textboxed
International soccer PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Journey escape NTSCData agesilver graphicloose
Joust NTSCAtarisilver graphicboxed
Joust PALAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Jr. pac-man NTSCAtarired graphicboxed
Jr. pac-man PALAtarired graphicloose
Jungle hunt NTSCAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Jungle hunt PALAtarired graphicloose
Jungle hunt NTSCAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Jungle hunt PALAtarisilver graphic 88loose
Kaboom PALActivisionpink graphicloose
Kangaroo PALAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Kangaroo NTSCAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Keystone Kapers SECAMActivisionpink graphicloose
Keystone kapers PALActivisionwhite textboxed
King arthur PAL (= Dragon Fire)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
King kong PALTigervisionblue graphicloose
Klax PALAtarired labelboxed
Kung fu master PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Kung fu master PALActivisionblack textloose
Kung fu superkicks PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Labyrinth PAL (= Maze Craze)Quelleorange graphicloose
Laser blast PALActivisionorange graphicloose
Laser blast PALActivisionwhite textloose
Laser gates PALImagicwhite textboxed
Lilly adventure PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Lock ‘n’ chase PALTelegamessilver graphicloose
Marauder PALTigervisionblue graphicloose
Marine Wars PALGakkenblack graphicloose
Mario Bros PALAtarired graphicboxed
Math Grand Prix PALAtariblack graphicloose
Maze craze PALAtariblack textloose
Maze craze PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Maze Craze PALPirate/Taiwanblackloose
Mega Mania PALActivisionorange graphicloose
Mega Mania PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Midnight magic PALAtarired graphicboxed
Midnight magic PAL (diff. label)Atarired graphicloose
Millipede PALAtarired graphic 87loose
Millipede PALAtarired graphic 88loose
Millipede PALAtarisilver graphic 87loose
Millipede PALAtarisilver graphicboxed
Miniature golf PALAtariblack textboxed
Missile command NTSC (Atari 2800 packaging)Atariblack graphicboxed
Missile command PALAtariblack graphic 91boxed
Missile command PALAtariblack graphic 81loose
Missile command PAL label variationAtariblack graphic 81loose
Missile command NTSCAtariblack graphic 81loose
Mission 3000 PALBit corporationblack textboxed
M-Network Collection NTSCPlaion/Atariblue graphicboxed
Moon patrol PALAtarisilver graphicboxed
Moon patrol PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Moon patrol PALAtarired graphicloose
Moonsweeper PALImagicsilver graphicboxed
Mouse trap NTSCAtarired graphicloose
Mouse trap PALCBSblack graphicloose
Mouse trap PALCBSb/w labelboxed
Mr. Postman NTSCMarpesblack graphicboxed
Mr. Postman PALBit corporationblack graphicloose
Mr. Run and Jump NTSCAtari/Plaionorange graphicboxed
Mr. Run and Jump PALAtari/Plaionorange graphicloose
Ms. Pac-man NTSCAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Ms. Pac-man NTSCAtarisilver graphic 87loose
Ms. Pac-man PALAtarisilver graphic 85loose
Ms. Pac-man PALAtarisilver graphic 82boxed
My golf PALImagineeringwhite textboxed
Night driver PALAtariblack graphicloose
Night stalker PALTelegamessilver graphicloose
Nuts PALTechnovisionblack graphicloose
Octopus PALCarrerewhite graphicloose
Oink! PALActivisionblue graphicloose
Off the wall PALAtarired graphicboxed
Oscar’s trash race PALCCWyellow graphicboxed
Othello PALAtariblack textboxed
Othello PALAtariblack graphicloose
Outlaw PALAtariblack textboxed
Outlaw PALAtariblack graphicloose
Pac-Kong PAL (= Inca Gold)Quelleblack graphicloose
Pac-man PALAtariblack graphic 81boxed
Pac-man NTSCAtariblack graphic 87boxed
Pac-man NTSCAtariblack graphic 81loose
Pac-man PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Paris attack PAL (= M.A.D.)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Pele’s soccer PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Phantom panzer PALBit corporationblack textboxed
Phoenix PALAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Phoenix PALAtarisilver graphic 82boxed
Phoenix PALAtarired graphicloose
Pick’n pile PALUbi softwhite textboxed
Pigs in space PALAtaripurple graphicloose
Pitfall! PALActivisiongreen graphicboxed
Pitfall PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Planet patrol PALSpectravisionsilver graphicloose
Plug attack PAL (= Plaque Attack)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Pole position PALAtarired graphicboxed
Pole position NTSCAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Pole position NTSCAtarisilver graphicboxed
Pole Positn (label with typing error) PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Pole position NTSCAtarisilver graphic 83loose
Popeye PALParker Brotherssilver graphicboxed
Pressure cooker PALActivisonred graphicloose
Private eye PALActivisionwhite textloose
Q-bert PALAtarired graphic 88boxed
Q-bert PALAtarired graphic 87loose
Quest for quintana roo PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Radar Lock PALAtarired graphicboxed
Raiders of the lost ark PALAtarisilver graphicboxed
Rampage PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Reactor PALParker Brotherssilver graphicboxed
Realsports Boxing PALAtarired graphicboxed
Realsports Collection NTSCPlaion/Atarigreen graphicboxed
Realsports Football NTSCAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Realsports Football NTSCAtarisilver graphic 88boxed
Realsports soccer PALAtarired graphicboxed
Realsports soccer PALAtarisilver graphicboxed
Realsports soccer NTSCAtarisilver graphicloose
Realsports tennis NTSCAtarisilver graphic 83boxed
Realsports tennis PALAtarisilver graphic 86boxed
Realsports tennis PALAtarired graphicboxed
Realsports tennis PALAtarisilver graphic 87loose
Realsports Volleyball PALAtarired graphicboxed
Realsports Volleyball NTSCAtarisilver graphicboxed
Reever raid PAL (= River Raid)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Riddle of the sphinx PALImagicsilver textloose
River raid PALActivisionpurple graphicloose
River raid SECAMActivisionpurple graphicloose
River Raid II PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Road runner PALAtarired graphicloose
Robot tank PALActivisiongrey graphicloose
Roc’n rope PALCBSb/w labelboxed
S.O.S. PAL (= Fire Fighter)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
S.O.S. PAL (diff. Label) (= Fire Fighter)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Schnecke und eichhornchen PAL (= Snail against Squirrel)Bit Corporationblack graphicloose
Schtroumpfs SECAMCBSblack graphicloose
Seahawk NTSCPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Seea gueast PAL (= Seaquest)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
See-monster PALBit Corporationblack textboxed
Sesam oeffne dich! PAL (= Open Sesame)Unknown-Germanblack textboxed
Skate Boardin’ PALAbsolutewhite textboxed
Skeet shoot PALApollored graphicloose
Ski Run PAL (= Crazy Ski)Pirate/Taiwanblue graphicloose
Skiing PALActivisionblue graphicboxed
Skindiver PALSanchoblack graphicloose
Sky diver PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Sky jinks PALActivisionblue graphicboxed
Sky jinks PALActivisionwhite textloose
Sky hunt PALMarpesblack graphicboxed
Sky skipper PALParker Brotherssilver graphicloose
Slot machine PALAtariblack textloose
Slot racers PALAtariblack textloose
Smurf PALCBSb/w labelloose
Smurf PALCBSblack grahicloose
Snail against squirrel PALBit Corporationblack graphicloose
Solar Fox PALCBSblack graphicloose
Solaris PALAtarired graphicboxed
Sorcerer’s Apprentice PALDisneyblue graphicloose
Space attack PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Space invaders NTSCAtarired graphicboxed
Space invaders PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Space invaders PALAtariblack textloose
Space invaders (112) NTSCTele-Gamesblack textloose
Space jockey NTSCUS Gamesblack graphicloose
Space Shuttle PALActivisionblue graphicboxed
Space Shuttle SECAMActivisionblue graphicloose
Space war PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Spaider fight PAL (= Spider Fighter)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Spider fighter PALPirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Spider fighter PALActivisionwhite textboxed
Spider-man PALParker Brotherssilver graphicloose
Sprintmaster PALAtarired graphicboxed
Stampede NTSCActivisionred graphicloose
Stampede PALActivisionred graphicloose
Star raiders PAL with touchpadAtariblack graphicboxed
Star raiders NTSCAtariblack graphicloose
Star voyager NTSCImagicsilver textloose
Star wars: Jedi Arena NTSCParker Brotherssilver graphicboxed
Star wars: The empire strikes back PALParker Brotherssilver graphicloose
Stargate PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Starmaster PALActivisiongreen graphicloose
Strahlen der Teufelvögel NTSC (= Atlantis)Quellegrey graphicloose
Strategy X PALGakkenblack graphicloose
Street racer PALAtariblack textboxed
Street racer PALAtariblack graphicloose
Subterranea PALImagicwhite textloose
Summer Games PALEpyxwhite textloose
Super baseball PALAtarired graphicloose
Super breakout PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Super cobra PALParker Brotherssilver graphicloose
Super challenge football NTSCMattelno facing labelloose
Super-Ferrari PALQuellegrey graphicloose
Super football PALAtarired graphicboxed
Super-cowboy PAL (= Stampede)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicloose
Superman PALAtariblack textloose
Surround PALAtariblack textloose
Swordquest Earthworld PALAtarisilver graphicloose
Tank city PAL (= Thunderground)Unknownblack graphicboxed
Tanzende teller PALBit corporationblack textboxed
Tape worm PALSpectravisionsilver textloose
Target Fun (27) NTSC (= Air Sea Battle)Tele-Gamesblack textloose
Target Fun (27) NTSC label variation (= Air Sea Battle)Tele-Gamesblack textloose
Tennis PAL EAG labelActivisiongreen graphicloose
Tennis PAL PAG labelActivisiongreen graphicboxed
Tennis PAL PAG label variationActivisiongreen graphicloose
Tennis PAL (= Activ. Tennis)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
Tennis PAL (diff. Label) (= Home V. Tennis)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
The challenge of Nexar PALSpectravisionsilver textloose
Titlematch pro wrestling PALAbsolutewhite textboxed
Tutankham PALParker Brotherssilver graphicloose
Universal Chaos PALTelegamessilver textboxed
Vanguard PALAtarisilver graphicboxed
Venture NTSCAtarired graphicboxed
Venture PALCBSblack graphicloose
Venture PAL (b/w label)CBSblack graphicloose
Venture SECAMCBSblack graphicloose
Video Checkers PALAtariblack textloose
Video Chess PALAtariblack textloose
Video Olympics PALAtariblack textloose
Video pinball NTSCAtariblack graphicloose
Video pinball PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Vogel flieh NTSC (= Dolphin)Quellegrey graphicloose
Volleyball PAL (= Realsp. Volleyball)Pirate/Taiwanblack graphicboxed
Wall-defender PALBombblue textloose
Warlords PALAtariblack graphicboxed
Weltraum-tunnel PAL (= Space Tunnel)Bit Corporationblack textboxed
Winter games PALEpyxwhite textboxed
Wizard of wor PALCBSb/w labelboxed
Wizard of wor SECAMCBSblack graphicloose
World end PALPirateblack graphicloose
Xenophobe PALAtarired graphicloose
X-man PALGamexblue graphicloose
Xonox double: Spike peak/Ghost manor PALXonoxblue graphicloose
Yars’ revenge PALAtariblack graphic 81boxed
Yars’ revenge NTSCAtariblack graphic 81loose
Yars’ revenge NTSC (diff. Label)Atariblack graphic 81loose
Yars’ revenge PALAtariblack graphic 87loose
Zaxxon PALCBSblack graphicloose


Art of AtariDynamiteEnglish
Pac man, ken uw spelHJW BechtsDutch
Alles over videospelletjesUitgeverij LuitinghDutch
The Atari book 2nd editionImagine PublishingEnglish
Videospelletjes complete handleiding voor winnaarsRostrumDutch
Video spellen en spelenPrisma HobbyDutch